Maarten Schoukens
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Identification of block-oriented nonlinear systems starting from linear approximations: A survey
M Schoukens, K Tiels
Automatica 85, 272-292, 2017
Parametric identification of parallel Hammerstein systems
M Schoukens, R Pintelon, Y Rolain
Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE Transactions on 60 (12), 3931 - 3938, 2011
Identification of Wiener–Hammerstein systems by a nonparametric separation of the best linear approximation
M Schoukens, R Pintelon, Y Rolain
Automatica 50 (2), 628-634, 2014
Three Benchmarks Addressing Open Challenges in Nonlinear System Identification
M Schoukens, JP Noël
IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 446-451, 2017
Nonparametric data-driven modeling of linear systems: estimating the frequency response and impulse response function
J Schoukens, K Godfrey, M Schoukens
IEEE Control Systems Magazine 38 (4), 49-88, 2018
Cascaded tanks benchmark combining soft and hard nonlinearities
M Schoukens, P Mattsson, T Wigren, JP Noel
Workshop on Nonlinear System Identification Benchmarks, 2016
Parametric identification of parallel Wiener–Hammerstein systems
M Schoukens, A Marconato, R Pintelon, G Vandersteen, Y Rolain
Automatica 51, 111-122, 2015
Filter-based regularisation for impulse response modelling
A Marconato, M Schoukens, J Schoukens
IET Control Theory & Applications 11 (2), 194 – 204, 2017
Nonlinear state-space identification using deep encoder networks
G Beintema, R Toth, M Schoukens
Learning for Dynamics and Control, 241-250, 2021
Hysteretic benchmark with a dynamic nonlinearity
JP Noël, M Schoukens
Workshop on Nonlinear System Identification Benchmarks, 2016
Parametric Identification of Parallel Wiener Systems
M Schoukens, Y Rolain
Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE Transactions on 61 (10), 2825 - 2832, 2012
F-16 aircraft benchmark based on ground vibration test data
JP Noël, M Schoukens
Workshop on Nonlinear System Identification Benchmarks, 2017
Structure discrimination in block-oriented models using linear approximations: A theoretic framework
J Schoukens, R Pintelon, Y Rolain, M Schoukens, K Tiels, L Vanbeylen, ...
Automatica 53, 225-234, 2015
Deep subspace encoders for nonlinear system identification
GI Beintema, M Schoukens, R Tóth
Automatica 156, 111210, 2023
Identification of Hammerstein-Wiener Systems
M Schoukens, EW Bai, Y Rolain
16th IFAC Symposium on System Identification 16 (1), 274-279, 2012
Improved Initialization of State-Space Artificial Neural Networks
M Schoukens
2021 European Control Conference (ECC), 1913-1918, 2021
Structure Detection of Wiener–Hammerstein Systems With Process Noise
E Zhang, M Schoukens, J Schoukens
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 66 (3), 569-576, 2017
Cross-term Elimination in Parallel Wiener Systems Using a Linear Input Transformation
M Schoukens, Y Rolain
Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE Transactions on 61 (3), 845 - 847, 2012
Obtaining the Preinverse of a Power Amplifier Using Iterative Learning Control
M Schoukens, J Hammenecker, A Cooman
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2017
Initial estimates for Wiener–Hammerstein models using phase-coupled multisines
K Tiels, M Schoukens, J Schoukens
Automatica 60, 201-209, 2015
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