Degree-d-invariant laminations W Thurston, H Baik, Y Gao, J Hubbard, T Lei, K Lindsey, D Thurston
What’s next, 259-325, 2019
28 2019 Unsmoothable group actions on compact one-manifolds. H Baik, S Kim, T Koberda
Journal of the European Mathematical Society (EMS Publishing) 21 (8), 2019
24 2019 Spaces of invariant circular orders of groups H Baik, E Samperton
Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics 12 (2), 721-763, 2018
23 2018 The space of geometric limits of one-generator closed subgroups of PSL2 (ℝ) H Baik, L Clavier
Algebraic & Geometric Topology 13 (1), 549-576, 2013
18 2013 The smallest positive eigenvalue of fibered hyperbolic 3‐manifolds H Baik, I Gekhtman, U Hamenstädt
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 120 (5), 704-741, 2020
14 2020 Asymptotic translation lengths and normal generation for pseudo-Anosov monodromies of fibered 3–manifolds H Baik, E Kin, H Shin, C Wu
Algebraic & Geometric Topology 23 (3), 1363-1398, 2023
12 2023 Right-angled Artin groups in the C ∞ diffeomorphism group of the real line H Baik, S Kim, T Koberda
Israel Journal of Mathematics 213, 175-182, 2016
12 2016 Limits of canonical forms on towers of Riemann surfaces H Baik, F Shokrieh, C Wu
Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal) 2020 (764 …, 2020
11 2020 Constructing pseudo-Anosov maps with given dilatations H Baik, A Rafiqi, C Wu
Geometriae Dedicata 180, 39-48, 2016
11 2016 Fuchsian groups, circularly ordered groups and dense invariant laminations on the circle H Baik
Geometry & Topology 19 (4), 2081-2115, 2015
11 2015 The space of geometric limits of abelian subgroups of H Baik, L Clavier
Hiroshima Mathematical Journal 46 (1), 1-36, 2016
10 2016 Linear growth of translation lengths of random isometries on Gromov hyperbolic spaces and Teichmüller spaces H Baik, I Choi, DM Kim
Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu 23 (4), 1751-1795, 2024
9 2024 Minimal asymptotic translation lengths of Torelli groups and pure braid groups on the curve graph H Baik, H Shin
International Mathematics Research Notices 2020 (24), 9974-9987, 2020
9 2020 An upper bound on the asymptotic translation lengths on the curve graph and fibered faces H Baik, H Shin, C Wu
Indiana University Mathematics Journal 70 (4), 1625-1637, 2021
8 2021 Subgroup growth of right‐angled Artin and Coxeter groups H Baik, B Petri, J Raimbault
Journal of the London Mathematical Society 101 (2), 556-588, 2020
8 2020 Exponential torsion growth for random 3-manifolds H Baik, D Bauer, I Gekhtman, U Hamenstädt, S Hensel, T Kastenholz, ...
International Mathematics Research Notices 2018 (21), 6497-6534, 2018
8 2018 Genomic GPS: using genetic distance from individuals to public data for genomic analysis without disclosing personal genomes K Kim, H Baik, CS Jang, JK Roh, E Eskin, B Han
Genome biology 20, 1-5, 2019
7 2019 Subgroup growth of virtually cyclic right-angled Coxeter groups and their free products H Baik, B Petri, J Raimbault
arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.10527, 2018
7 2018 On translation lengths of Anosov maps on the curve graph of the torus H Baik, C Kim, S Kwak, H Shin
Geometriae Dedicata 214 (1), 399-426, 2021
6 2021 Is a typical bi-Perron algebraic unit a pseudo-Anosov dilatation? H Baik, A Rafiqi, C Wu
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 39 (7), 1745-1750, 2019
6 2019