Olivier Vermorel
Olivier Vermorel
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Towards large eddy simulation of combustion in spark ignition engines
S Richard, O Colin, O Vermorel, A Benkenida, C Angelberger, ...
Proceedings of the combustion institute 31 (2), 3059-3066, 2007
Towards the understanding of cyclic variability in a spark ignited engine using multi-cycle LES
O Vermorel, S Richard, O Colin, C Angelberger, A Benkenida, ...
Combustion and flame 156 (8), 1525-1541, 2009
Large-Eddy Simulation and experimental study of cycle-to-cycle variations of stable and unstable operating points in a spark ignition engine
V Granet, O Vermorel, C Lacour, B Enaux, V Dugué, T Poinsot
Combustion and Flame 159 (4), 1562-1575, 2012
High performance parallel computing of flows in complex geometries: I. methods
N Gourdain, L Gicquel, M Montagnac, O Vermorel, M Gazaix, ...
Computational Science & Discovery 2 (1), 015003, 2009
LES study of cycle-to-cycle variations in a spark ignition engine
B Enaux, V Granet, O Vermorel, C Lacour, C Pera, C Angelberger, ...
Proceedings of the combustion Institute 33 (2), 3115-3122, 2011
Comparison of nonreflecting outlet boundary conditions for compressible solvers on unstructured grids
V Granet, O Vermorel, T Léonard, L Gicquel, T Poinsot
AIAA journal 48 (10), 2348-2364, 2010
Interaction of flames of H2+ O2 with inert walls
F Dabireau, B Cuenot, O Vermorel, T Poinsot
Combustion and flame 135 (1-2), 123-133, 2003
2D axial-azimuthal particle-in-cell benchmark for low-temperature partially magnetized plasmas
T Charoy, JP Boeuf, A Bourdon, JA Carlsson, P Chabert, B Cuenot, ...
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 28 (10), 105010, 2019
Large eddy simulation of a motored single-cylinder piston engine: numerical strategies and validation
B Enaux, V Granet, O Vermorel, C Lacour, L Thobois, V Dugué, T Poinsot
Flow, turbulence and combustion 86, 153-177, 2011
Multi-cycle LES simulations of flow and combustion in a PFI SI 4-valve production engine
O Vermorel, S Richard, O Colin, C Angelberger, A Benkenida, ...
SAE Technical Paper, 01-0151, 2007
Influence of chemical schemes, numerical method and dynamic turbulent combustion modeling on LES of premixed turbulent flames
B Rochette, F Collin-Bastiani, L Gicquel, O Vermorel, D Veynante, ...
Combustion and Flame 191, 417-430, 2018
Theoretical analysis and simulation of methane/air flame inhibition by sodium bicarbonate particles
O Dounia, O Vermorel, T Poinsot
Combustion and Flame 193, 313-326, 2018
2D radial-azimuthal particle-in-cell benchmark for E× B discharges
W Villafana, F Petronio, AC Denig, MJ Jimenez, D Eremin, L Garrigues, ...
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 30 (7), 075002, 2021
Large eddy simulation of pre-chamber ignition in an internal combustion engine
Q Malé, G Staffelbach, O Vermorel, A Misdariis, F Ravet, T Poinsot
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 103, 465-483, 2019
LES of explosions in venting chamber: A test case for premixed turbulent combustion models
O Vermorel, P Quillatre, T Poinsot
Combustion and Flame 183, 207-223, 2017
Numerical study and modelling of turbulence modulation in a particle laden slabflow
O Vermorel, B Bedat, O Simonin, T Poinsot
Journal of Turbulence 4 (1), 025, 2003
A new phenomenological model to predict drop size distribution in Large-Eddy Simulations of airblast atomizers
G Chaussonnet, O Vermorel, E Riber, B Cuenot
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 80, 29-42, 2016
Influence of kinetics on DDT simulations
O Dounia, O Vermorel, A Misdariis, T Poinsot
Combustion and Flame 200, 1-14, 2019
Large eddy simulation of vented deflagration
P Quillatre, O Vermorel, T Poinsot, P Ricoux
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 52 (33), 11414-11423, 2013
LES of knocking in engines using dual heat transfer and two-step reduced schemes
A Misdariis, O Vermorel, T Poinsot
Combustion and Flame 162 (11), 4304-4312, 2015
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Articles 1–20