Michael H. Goerz
Michael H. Goerz
Postdoc at Stanford and Army Research Lab
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Cited by
Krotov: A Python implementation of Krotov's method for quantum optimal control
M Goerz, D Basilewitsch, F Gago-Encinas, MG Krauss, KP Horn, ...
SciPost physics 7 (6), 080, 2019
Robustness of high-fidelity Rydberg gates with single-site addressability
MH Goerz, EJ Halperin, JM Aytac, CP Koch, KB Whaley
Physical Review A 90 (3), 032329, 2014
Optimal control theory for a unitary operation under dissipative evolution
MH Goerz, DM Reich, CP Koch
New Journal of Physics 16 (5), 055012, 2014
Charting the circuit QED design landscape using optimal control theory.
MH Goerz, F Motzoi, KB Whaley, CP Koch
npj Quantum Information 3, 37, 2017
Optimal quantum control of Bose-Einstein condensates in magnetic microtraps: Comparison of gradient-ascent-pulse-engineering and Krotov optimization schemes
G Jäger, DM Reich, MH Goerz, CP Koch, U Hohenester
Physical Review A 90 (3), 033628, 2014
The quantum speed limit of optimal controlled phasegates for trapped neutral atoms
MH Goerz, T Calarco, CP Koch
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 44 (15), 154011, 2011
Controlling the transport of an ion: classical and quantum mechanical solutions
HA Fürst, MH Goerz, UG Poschinger, M Murphy, S Montangero, T Calarco, ...
New Journal of Physics 16 (7), 075007, 2014
Optimizing for an arbitrary perfect entangler. I. Functionals
P Watts, J Vala, MM Müller, T Calarco, KB Whaley, DM Reich, MH Goerz, ...
Physical Review A 91 (6), 062306, 2015
Optimizing for an arbitrary perfect entangler. II. Application
MH Goerz, G Gualdi, DM Reich, CP Koch, F Motzoi, KB Whaley, J Vala, ...
Physical Review A 91 (6), 062307, 2015
Optimized production of ultracold ground-state molecules: Stabilization employing potentials with ion-pair character and strong spin-orbit coupling
M Tomza, MH Goerz, M Musiał, R Moszynski, CP Koch
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 86 (4), 043424, 2012
Hybrid optimization schemes for quantum control
MH Goerz, KB Whaley, CP Koch
EPJ Quantum Technology 2 (1), 1-16, 2015
Quantum optimal control via semi-automatic differentiation
MH Goerz, SC Carrasco, VS Malinovsky
Quantum 6, 871, 2022
Optimizing robust quantum gates in open quantum systems
MH Goerz
Extreme spin squeezing via optimized one-axis twisting and rotations
SC Carrasco, MH Goerz, Z Li, S Colombo, V Vuletić, VS Malinovsky
Physical Review Applied 17 (6), 064050, 2022
Robust optimized pulse schemes for atomic fountain interferometry
MH Goerz, MA Kasevich, VS Malinovsky
Atoms 11 (2), 36, 2023
Efficient optimization of state preparation in quantum networks using quantum trajectories
MH Goerz, K Jacobs
Quantum Science and Technology 3 (4), 045005, 2018
Charting the circuit QED design landscape using optimal control theory, npj Quantum Inf
MH Goerz, F Motzoi, KB Whaley, CP Koch
Principles of tractor atom interferometry
G Raithel, A Duspayev, B Dash, SC Carrasco, MH Goerz, V Vuletić, ...
Quantum Science and Technology 8 (1), 014001, 2022
Optimal quantum control of bose-einstein condensates in magnetic microtraps: Comparison of grape and krotov optimization schemes
G Jäger, D Reich, MH Goerz, CP Koch, U Hohenester
arXiv preprint arXiv:1409.2976, 2014
Quantum optimal control for atomic fountain interferometry
MH Goerz, MA Kasevich, VS Malinovsky
Optical and Quantum Sensing and Precision Metrology 11700, 1170005, 2021
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Articles 1–20