J. Borges de Sousa
J. Borges de Sousa
Professor, LSTS, DEEC, FEUP
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Cited by
Unmanned aerial vehicle path following: A survey and analysis of algorithms for fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicless
PB Sujit, S Saripalli, JB Sousa
IEEE Control Systems Magazine 34 (1), 42-59, 2014
The LSTS toolchain for networked vehicle systems
J Pinto, PS Dias, R Martins, J Fortuna, E Marques, J Sousa
2013 MTS/IEEE OCEANS-Bergen, 1-9, 2013
Search strategies for multiple UAV search and destroy missions
J George, S PB, JB Sousa
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 61, 355-367, 2011
Trajectory tracking and path following for underactuated marine vehicles
C Paliotta, E Lefeber, KY Pettersen, J Pinto, M Costa
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 27 (4), 1423-1437, 2018
Optimization of wireless sensor network and UAV data acquisition
DT Ho, EI Grøtli, PB Sujit, TA Johansen, JB Sousa
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 78, 159-179, 2015
Survey on communication and networks for autonomous marine systems
A Zolich, D Palma, K Kansanen, K Fjørtoft, J Sousa, KH Johansson, ...
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 95, 789-813, 2019
IMC: A communication protocol for networked vehicles and sensors
R Martins, PS Dias, ERB Marques, J Pinto, JB Sousa, FL Pereira
Oceans 2009-Europe, 1-6, 2009
Multiple UAV area decomposition and coverage
JF Araujo, PB Sujit, JB Sousa
2013 IEEE symposium on computational intelligence for security and defense …, 2013
A control architecture for integrated cooperative cruise control and collision warning systems
AR Girard, JB de Sousa, JA Misener, JK Hedrick
Proceedings of the 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (Cat. No …, 2001
Optimizing communication and computation for multi-UAV information gathering applications
M Thammawichai, SP Baliyarasimhuni, EC Kerrigan, JB Sousa
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 54 (2), 601-615, 2017
An evaluation of UAV path following algorithms
PB Sujit, S Saripalli, JB Sousa
2013 European Control Conference (ECC), 3332-3337, 2013
Unmanned air vehicles for coastal and environmental research
E Pereira, R Bencatel, J Correia, L Félix, G Gonçalves, J Morgado, ...
Journal of Coastal Research, 1557-1561, 2009
Mission planning and specification in the Neptus framework
FL Pereira, J Pinto, JB Sousa, RMF Gomes, GM Gonçalves, PS Dias
Proceedings 2006 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation …, 2006
Optimal rendezvous trajectory for unmanned aerial-ground vehicles
A Rucco, PB Sujit, AP Aguiar, JB De Sousa, FL Pereira
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 54 (2), 834-847, 2017
UAV and AUVs coordination for ocean exploration
PB Sujit, J Sousa, FL Pereira
Oceans 2009-Europe, 1-7, 2009
Modeling and simulation of the lauv autonomous underwater vehicle
JE Da Silva, B Terra, R Martins, JB de Sousa
13th IEEE IFAC international conference on methods and models in automation …, 2007
Neptus-a framework to support multiple vehicle operation
PS Dias, SL Fraga, RMF Gomes, GM Goncalves, FL Pereira, J Pinto, ...
Europe Oceans 2005 2, 963-968, 2005
Receding horizon flight control for trajectory tracking of autonomous aerial vehicles
I Prodan, S Olaru, R Bencatel, JB de Sousa, C Stoica, SI Niculescu
Control Engineering Practice 21 (10), 1334-1349, 2013
Implementation of a control architecture for networked vehicle systems
J Pinto, P Calado, J Braga, P Dias, R Martins, E Marques, JB Sousa
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45 (5), 100-105, 2012
Swordfish: an autonomous surface vehicle for network centric operations
H Ferreira, R Martins, E Marques, J Pinto, A Martins, J Almeida, J Sousa, ...
Oceans 2007-Europe, 1-6, 2007
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Articles 1–20