Delphine Gibassier
Delphine Gibassier
Associate Professor of Sustainable Development
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Is environmental management accounting a discipline? A bibliometric literature review
S Schaltegger, D Gibassier, D Zvezdov
Meditari Accountancy Research 21 (1), 4-31, 2013
Integrated Reporting Is Like God: No One Has Met Him, but Everybody Talks About Him.” The Power of Myth in the Adoption of Management Innovations
D Gibassier, DL Arjaliès, M Rodrigue
The Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 31 (5), 2018
Carbon Management Accounting and Reporting in Practice: A Case Study on Converging Emergent Approaches
D Gibassier, S Schaltegger
Sustainability, Accounting, Management and Policy Journal 6 (3), 340 - 365, 2015
Environmental Management Accounting: the missing link to sustainability?
D Gibassier, S Alcouffe
Social and Environmental Accountability Journal 38 (1), 2018
From écobilan to LCA: The elite’s institutional work in the creation of an environmental management accounting tool
D Gibassier
Critical Perspectives on Accounting 42, 36-58, 2017
Environmental management accounting–A bibliometric literature review
S Schaltegger, D Gibassier, D Zvezdov
Leuphana University, Lüneburg, 2011
Institutional Work In The Birth of a Carbon Accounting Profession,
D Gibassier, S El Omari
Working Paper, 2018
Governing the “good citizen” and shaping the “model city” to tackle climate change: materiality, economic discourse and exemplarity
R Berquier, D Gibassier
Working Paper, 2018
Environmental Management Controls at Michelin – how do they link to sustainability?
R Baker, B Cohanier, D Gibassier
Social and Environmental Accountability Journal 38 (1), 2018
From Share Value to Shared Value: Exploring the Role of Accountants in Developing Integrated Reporting in Practice
D Gibassier, M Rodrigue, DL Arjaliès
IMA (Institute of Management Accountants)–ACCA (The Association of Chartered …, 2016
Can Financialization Save Nature(s)? The Case of Endangered Species
D Gibassier, DL Arjaliès
Working Paper (Best Paper Award, CSEAR North America 2018), 2018
Corporate Water Accounting, Where Do We Stand? The International Water Accounting Field and French Organizations
D Gibassier
Advances in Environmental Accounting and Management, 2016
The corporate reporting landscape: a market for virtue or the virtue of marketization?
D Gibassier
Sustainability, Accounting, Management and Policy Journal 6 (4), 2015
Special issue of business, strategy, and the environment call for papers business, society, biodiversity, and natural capital deadline June 30, 2020 (see details of conference …
D Gibassier, K Maas, S Schaltegger
Business Strategy and the Environment 28 (5), 921-924, 2019
Environmental Management Accounting Development: Institutionalization, Adoption and Practice
D Gibassier
HEC Paris, 2014
Implementing an EMA Innovation: The Case of Carbon Accounting
D Gibassier
Corporate Climate Accounting, 2016
From saving water to accounting for water: The role of boundary objects in the development of an environmental accounting innovation
D Gibassier, S Alcouffe, E Vinnari
Carbon accounting: from conflict of legitimacies to the interplay of legitimacies
D Gibassier, M Journeault
Available at SSRN 2880160, 2016
Isomorphism, Isopraxism and Isonymism in Integrated Reporting Diffusion
D Gibassier, CA Adams, T Jerome
Available at SSRN 3427923, 2019
Scaling up or not scaling up, that is the question – the case of the French local complementary currencies grassroots movement
D Gibassier, B De Menna, DL Arjaliès
Working Paper, 2015
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Articles 1–20