Marie Simonin
Marie Simonin
INRAE Researcher - IRHS - EmerSys Team
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Impact of engineered nanoparticles on the activity, abundance, and diversity of soil microbial communities: a review
M Simonin, A Richaume
Environmental science and pollution research, 2015
An extended root phenotype: the rhizosphere, its formation and impacts on plant fitness
C de La Fuente Cantó, M Simonin, E King, L Moulin, MJ Bennett, ...
The Plant Journal 103 (3), 951-964, 2020
Microbiome composition and function in aquatic vertebrates: small organisms making big impacts on aquatic animal health
L Sehnal, E Brammer-Robbins, AM Wormington, L Blaha, J Bisesi, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 12, 567408, 2021
The Microbiome Stress Project: Toward a Global Meta-Analysis of Environmental Stressors and Their Effects on Microbial Communities
JD Rocca, M Simonin, JR Blaszczak, JG Ernakovich, SM Gibbons, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 9, 3272, 2019
Influence of plant genotype and soil on the wheat rhizosphere microbiome: evidences for a core microbiome across eight African and European soils
M Simonin, C Dasilva, V Terzi, ELM Ngonkeu, D Diouf, A Kane, G Béna, ...
FEMS microbiology ecology 96 (6), fiaa067, 2020
Titanium dioxide nanoparticles strongly impact soil microbial function by affecting archaeal nitrifiers
M Simonin, A Richaume, JP Guyonnet, A Dubost, JMF Martins, T Pommier
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 33643, 2016
Influence of soil properties on the toxicity of TiO2 nanoparticles on carbon mineralization and bacterial abundance
M Simonin, J Guyonnet, JMF Martins, M Ginot, A Richaume
Journal of Hazardous material 283, 529-535, 2015
Seed microbiota revealed by a large‐scale meta‐analysis including 50 plant species
M Simonin, M Briand, G Chesneau, A Rochefort, C Marais, A Sarniguet, ...
New Phytologist 234 (4), 1448-1463, 2022
Negative effects of copper oxide nanoparticles on carbon and nitrogen cycle microbial activities in contrasting agricultural soils and in presence of plants
M Simonin, AAM Cantarel, A Crouzet, J Gervaix, JMF Martins, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 9, 3102, 2018
Gold nanoparticle biodissolution by a freshwater macrophyte and its associated microbiome
A Avellan, M Simonin, E McGivney, N Bossa, E Spielman-Sun, JD Rocca, ...
Nature nanotechnology 13 (11), 1072-1077, 2018
In search of microbial indicator taxa: shifts in stream bacterial communities along an urbanization gradient
M Simonin, KA Voss, BA Hassett, JD Rocca, SY Wang, RL Bier, CR Violin, ...
Environmental microbiology 21 (10), 3653-3668, 2019
Rare microbial taxa emerge when communities collide: freshwater and marine microbiome responses to experimental mixing
JD Rocca, M Simonin, ES Bernhardt, AD Washburne, JP Wright
Ecology 101 (3), e02956, 2020
Toxicity of TiO2 nanoparticles on soil nitrification at environmentally relevant concentrations: Lack of classical dose–response relationships
M Simonin, JMF Martins, X Le Roux, G Uzu, A Calas, A Richaume
Nanotoxicology 11 (2), 247-255, 2017
Coupling Between and Among Ammonia Oxidizers and Nitrite Oxidizers in Grassland Mesocosms Submitted to Elevated CO2 and Nitrogen Supply
M Simonin, X Le Roux, F Poly, C Lerondelle, BA Hungate, N Nunan, ...
Microbial ecology 70, 809-818, 2015
Size-Based Differential Transport, Uptake, and Mass Distribution of Ceria (CeO2) Nanoparticles in Wetland Mesocosms
NK Geitner, JL Cooper, A Avellan, BT Castellon, BG Perrotta, N Bossa, ...
Environmental science & technology 52 (17), 9768-9776, 2018
Long-term effects of copper nanopesticides on soil and sediment community diversity in two outdoor mesocosm experiments
LN Carley, R Panchagavi, X Song, S Davenport, CM Bergemann, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 54 (14), 8878-8889, 2020
Plant and Microbial Responses to Repeated Cu(OH)2 Nanopesticide Exposures Under Different Fertilization Levels in an Agro-Ecosystem
M Simonin, BP Colman, W Tang, JD Judy, SM Anderson, CM Bergemann, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 9, 1769, 2018
Transmission of Seed and Soil Microbiota to Seedling
A Rochefort, M Simonin, C Marais, AY Guillerm-Erckelboudt, M Barret, ...
Msystems 6 (3), e00446-21, 2021
Harmonizing across environmental nanomaterial testing media for increased comparability of nanomaterial datasets
NK Geitner, CO Hendren, G Cornelis, R Kaegi, JR Lead, GV Lowry, ...
Environmental Science: Nano 7 (1), 13-36, 2020
Toward a generalizable framework of disturbance ecology through crowdsourced science
EB Graham, C Averill, B Bond-Lamberty, JE Knelman, S Krause, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9, 588940, 2021
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