David Lacroix
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Monte Carlo transient phonon transport in silicon and germanium at nanoscales
D Lacroix, K Joulain, D Lemonnier
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (6), 064305, 2005
Monte Carlo simulation of phonon confinement in silicon nanostructures: Application to the determination of the thermal conductivity of silicon nanowires
D Lacroix, K Joulain, D Terris, D Lemonnier
Applied Physics Letters 89 (10), 2006
Spectroscopic characterization of laser-induced plasma created during welding with a pulsed Nd: YAG laser
D Lacroix, G Jeandel, C Boudot
Journal of Applied Physics 81 (10), 6599-6606, 1997
Monte Carlo simulations of phonon transport in nanoporous silicon and germanium
V Jean, S Fumeron, K Termentzidis, S Tutashkonko, D Lacroix
Journal of Applied Physics 115 (2), 2014
Numerical simulation of a water spray—radiation attenuation related to spray dynamics
A Collin, P Boulet, G Parent, D Lacroix
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 46 (9), 856-868, 2007
On radiative transfer in water spray curtains using the discrete ordinates method
A Collin, P Boulet, D Lacroix, G Jeandel
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 92 (1), 85-110, 2005
Thermal properties of amorphous/crystalline silicon superlattices
A France-Lanord, S Merabia, T Albaret, D Lacroix, K Termentzidis
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 26 (35), 355801, 2014
Radiative and conductive heat transfer in a nongrey semitransparent medium. Application to fire protection curtains
N Berour, D Lacroix, P Boulet, G Jeandel
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 86 (1), 9-30, 2004
Coupled radiative and conductive heat transfer in a non-grey absorbing and emitting semitransparent media under collimated radiation
D Lacroix, G Parent, F Asllanaj, G Jeandel
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 75 (5), 589-609, 2002
Thermal conductivity of phononic membranes with aligned and staggered lattices of holes at room and low temperatures
M Verdier, R Anufriev, A Ramiere, K Termentzidis, D Lacroix
Physical Review B 95 (20), 205438, 2017
Atomistic amorphous/crystalline interface modelling for superlattices and core/shell nanowires
A France-Lanord, E Blandre, T Albaret, S Merabia, D Lacroix, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 26 (5), 055011, 2014
Transient combined radiation and conduction heat transfer in fibrous media with temperature and flux boundary conditions
F Asllanaj, G Jeandel, JR Roche, D Lacroix
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 43 (10), 939-950, 2004
Solution of the radiative transfer equation in an absorbing and scattering Nd: YAG laser-induced plume
D Lacroix, G Jeandel, C Boudot
Journal of applied physics 84 (5), 2443-2449, 1998
Transferability of neural network potentials for varying stoichiometry: Phonons and thermal conductivity of MnxGey compounds
C Mangold, S Chen, G Barbalinardo, J Behler, P Pochet, K Termentzidis, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 127 (244901), 2020
Crystalline-amorphous silicon nano-composites: Nano-pores and nano-inclusions impact on the thermal conductivity
M Verdier, K Termentzidis, D Lacroix
Journal of Applied Physics 119 (17), 2016
Prediction of the thermal conductivity anisotropy of Si nanofilms. Results of several numerical methods
D Terris, K Joulain, D Lemonnier, D Lacroix, P Chantrenne
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 48 (8), 1467-1476, 2009
Impact of screw and edge dislocations on the thermal conductivity of individual nanowires and bulk GaN: A molecular dynamics study
K Termentzidis, M Isaiev, A Salnikova, I Belabbas, D Lacroix, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20 (7), 5159-5172, 2018
Radiative properties of tannin-based, glasslike, carbon foams
A Celzard, G Tondi, D Lacroix, G Jeandel, B Monod, V Fierro, A Pizzi
Carbon 50 (11), 4102-4113, 2012
Transient radiative and conductive heat transfer in non-gray semitransparent two-dimensional media with mixed boundary conditions
L David, B Nacer, B Pascal, J Gérard
Heat and mass transfer 42, 322-337, 2006
Green roof aging: Quantifying the impact of substrate evolution on hydraulic performances at the lab-scale
R Bouzouidja, G Séré, R Claverie, S Ouvrard, L Nuttens, D Lacroix
Journal of Hydrology 564, 416-423, 2018
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