Yuling Zheng
Yuling Zheng
Université de Paris Sud 11
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Cited by
Data resource profile: the World Health Organization Study on global AGEing and adult health (SAGE)
P Kowal, S Chatterji, N Naidoo, R Biritwum, W Fan, R Lopez Ridaura, ...
International journal of epidemiology 41 (6), 1639-1649, 2012
Wavelet-based image deconvolution and reconstruction
N Pustelnik, A Benazza-Benhayia, Y Zheng, JC Pesquet
Wiley encyclopedia of electrical and electronics engineering, 2016
Efficient variational Bayesian approximation method based on subspace optimization
Y Zheng, A Fraysse, T Rodet
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 24 (2), 681-693, 2014
A variational Bayesian approach for image restoration—Application to image deblurring with Poisson–Gaussian noise
Y Marnissi, Y Zheng, E Chouzenoux, JC Pesquet
IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging 3 (4), 722-737, 2017
Adaptive analytic service for real-time internet of things applications
Y Ge, X Liang, YC Zhou, Z Pan, GT Zhao, YL Zheng
2016 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS), 484-491, 2016
Cognitive acoustic analytics service for Internet of Things
Z Pan, Y Ge, YC Zhou, JC Huang, YL Zheng, N Zhang, XX Liang, P Gao, ...
2017 IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Computing (ICCC), 96-103, 2017
Fast variational Bayesian signal recovery in the presence of Poisson-Gaussian noise
Y Marnissi, Y Zheng, JC Pesquei
2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2016
Anomaly detection in a sensor network
YL Zheng, XX Liang, YC Zhou, N Zhang
US Patent 10,776,191, 2020
闫文涛, 仇贵生, 周玉书, 张怀江, 陈汉杰, 张平, 刘池林, 郑运成
应用生态学报 22 (11), 3053, 2011
Graph-based searching for data stream
XX Liang, C Luo, WB Riley, SB Shi, MH Tsai, W Qingyan, YL Zheng, ...
US Patent 10,901,999, 2021
Adaptive imaging of sound source based on total variation prior and a subspace iteration integrated variational bayesian method
L Yu, Z Gong, N Chu, Y Ning, Y Zheng, P Hou
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 70, 1-17, 2021
邱尔发, 陈卓梅, 郑郁善, 洪伟, 尤志达
应用生态学报 16 (6), 1017, 2005
HOGMep: Variational Bayes and higher-order graphical models applied to joint image recovery and segmentation
A Pirayre, Y Zheng, L Duval, JC Pesquet
2017 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 3775-3779, 2017
Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
N Pustelnik, A Benazza-Benhayia, Y Zheng, JC Pesquet
John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2016
Wavelet based unsupervised variational Bayesian image reconstruction approach
Y Zheng, A Fraysse, T Rodet
2015 23rd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2167-2171, 2015
Efficient unsupervised variational Bayesian image reconstruction using a sparse gradient prior
Y Zheng, A Fraysse, T Rodet
Neurocomputing 359, 449-465, 2019
TPC-H 自动测试工具 TPCHDriver 的研究
王良, 栗跃鹏, 杨政
计算机工程 35 (2), 18-20, 2009
Facilitation of efficient signal source location employing a coarse algorithm and high-resolution computation
Y Ge, JC Huang, XX Liang, ZT Pan, WM Xiong, YL Zheng, YC Zhou
US Patent 11,079,462, 2021
Acoustic event detection in polyphonic acoustic data
XX Liang, N Zhang, YL Zheng, YC Zhou
US Patent 11,074,927, 2021
Algorithmes bayésiens variationnels accélérés et applications aux problèmes inverses de grande taille
Y Zheng
Université Paris Sud-Paris XI, 2014
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Articles 1–20