Xiao Qin
Xiao Qin
Senior Applied Scientist, Amazon
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Cited by
Adverse drug event detection from electronic health records using hierarchical recurrent neural networks with dual-level embedding
S Wunnava, X Qin, T Kakar, C Sen, EA Rundensteiner, X Kong
Drug safety 42, 113-122, 2019
Scalable kernel density estimation-based local outlier detection over large data streams
X Qin, L Cao, EA Rundensteiner, S Madden
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Extending Database …, 2019
Mixed-type tabular data synthesis with score-based diffusion in latent space
H Zhang, J Zhang, B Srinivasan, Z Shen, X Qin, C Faloutsos, H Rangwala, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.09656, 2023
Medical entity disambiguation using graph neural networks
A Vretinaris, C Lei, V Efthymiou, X Qin, F Özcan
Proceedings of the 2021 international conference on management of data, 2310 …, 2021
Relation-aware graph attention model with adaptive self-adversarial training
X Qin, N Sheikh, B Reinwald, L Wu
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 35 (11), 9368-9376, 2021
Bidirectional LSTM-CRF for adverse drug event tagging in electronic health records
S Wunnava, X Qin, T Kakar, EA Rundensteiner, X Kong
International Workshop on Medication and Adverse Drug Event Detection, 48-56, 2018
Maras: Signaling multi-drug adverse reactions
X Qin, T Kakar, S Wunnava, EA Rundensteiner, L Cao
Proceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge …, 2017
Automatic table union search with tabular representation learning
X Hu, S Wang, X Qin, C Lei, Z Shen, C Faloutsos, A Katsifodimos, ...
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023, 3786-3800, 2023
SEIGN: A Simple and Efficient Graph Neural Network for Large Dynamic Graphs
X Qin, N Sheikh, C Lei, B Reinwald, G Domeniconi
2023 IEEE 39th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2850-2863, 2023
Knowledge graph embedding using graph convolutional networks with relation-aware attention
N Sheikh, X Qin, B Reinwald, C Miksovic, T Gschwind, P Scotton
arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.07200, 2021
A Dual-Attention Network for Joint Named Entity Recognition and Sentence Classification of Adverse Drug Events
S Wunnava, X Qin, T Kakar, X Kong, E Rundensteiner
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2020
Towards transforming FDA adverse event narratives into actionable structured data for improved pharmacovigilance
S Wunnava, X Qin, T Kakar, V Socrates, A Wallace, E Rundensteiner
Proceedings of the Symposium on Applied Computing, 777-782, 2017
Diva: Exploration and validation of hypothesized drug‐drug interactions
T Kakar, X Qin, EA Rundensteiner, L Harrison, SK Sahoo, S De
Computer Graphics Forum 38 (3), 95-106, 2019
Mediar: multi-drug adverse reactions analytics
X Qin, T Kakar, S Wunnava, B MacCarthy, A Schade, HQ Tran, B Zylich, ...
2018 IEEE 34th international conference on data engineering (ICDE), 1565-1568, 2018
One Size Does Not Fit All: An Ensemble Approach Towards Information Extraction from Adverse Drug Event Narratives
S Wunnava, X Qin, T Kakar, X Kong, E Rundensteiner, S Sahoo, S De
The 11th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems …, 2018
Knowledge graph embedding using graph convolutional networks with relation-aware attention
N Sheikh, X Qin, B Reinwald, CAM Czasch, T Gschwind, P Scotton
US Patent App. 17/161,933, 2022
Scaling knowledge graph embedding models for link prediction
N Sheikh, X Qin, B Reinwald, C Lei
Proceedings of the 2nd European Workshop on Machine Learning and Systems, 87-94, 2022
Chinese Unknown Word Recognition Based on Functional Applications of Type Theory
D Gao, Z Niu, L Lv, P Jiang, X Qin, J Guo
2008 Second International Symposium on Intelligent Information Technology …, 2008
Orthoreg: Improving graph-regularized mlps via orthogonality regularization
H Zhang, S Wang, VN Ioannidis, S Adeshina, J Zhang, X Qin, C Faloutsos, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.00109, 2023
Scaling knowledge graph embedding models
N Sheikh, X Qin, B Reinwald, C Lei
arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.02791, 2022
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Articles 1–20