David J. Yu
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Sociohydrology: scientific challenges in addressing the sustainable development goals
G Di Baldassarre, M Sivapalan, M Rusca, C Cudennec, M Garcia, ...
Water Resources Research 55 (8), 6327-6355, 2019
Explaining success and failure in the commons: the configural nature of Ostrom’s institutional design principles
JA Baggio, AJ Barnett, I Perez-Ibara, U Brady, E Ratajczyk, N Rollins, ...
International Journal of the Commons 10 (2), 417-439, 2016
Incorporating institutions and collective action into a sociohydrological model of flood resilience
DJ Yu, N Sangwan, K Sung, X Chen, V Merwade
Water Resources Research 53 (2), 1336-1353, 2017
Wildfire caused widespread drinking water distribution network contamination
CR Proctor, J Lee, DJ Yu, AD Shah, AJ Whelton
AWWA Water Science 2 (4), e1183, 2020
Comparative water law, policies, and administration in Asia: Evidence from 17 countries
E Araral, DJ Yu
Water Resources Research 49 (9), 5307-5316, 2013
Expanding the scope and foundation of sociohydrology as the science of coupled human‐water systems
M Konar, M Garcia, MR Sanderson, DJ Yu, M Sivapalan
Water Resources Research 55 (2), 874-887, 2019
Sustainability, resilience, adaptation, and transformation: tensions and plural approaches
L Zanotti, Z Ma, JL Johnson, DR Johnson, DJ Yu, M Burnham, ...
Ecology and Society 25 (3), 2020
Capacity building for an infrastructure system in case of disaster using the system's associated social and technical components
J Choi, N Naderpajouh, DJ Yu, M Hastak
Journal of Management in Engineering 35 (4), 04019013, 2019
Toward general principles for resilience engineering
DJ Yu, ML Schoon, JK Hawes, S Lee, J Park, PSC Rao, LK Siebeneck, ...
Risk Analysis 40 (8), 1509-1537, 2020
Engineering meets institutions: An interdisciplinary approach to the management of resilience
N Naderpajouh, DJ Yu, DP Aldrich, I Linkov, J Matinheikki
Environment Systems and Decisions 38 (3), 306-317, 2018
Effect of infrastructure design on commons dilemmas in social− ecological system dynamics
DJ Yu, MR Qubbaj, R Muneepeerakul, JM Anderies, RM Aggarwal
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (43), 13207-13212, 2015
The humanitarian flying warehouse
HY Jeong, DJ Yu, BC Min, S Lee
Transportation research part E: logistics and transportation review 136, 101901, 2020
Challenges and opportunities in coding the commons: problems, procedures, and potential solutions in large-N comparative case studies
E Ratajczyk, U Brady, J Baggio, A Barnett, I Perez-Ibarra, N Rollins, ...
International Journal of the Commons 10 (2), 2016
Robust-yet-fragile nature of partly engineered social-ecological systems: a case study of coastal Bangladesh
A Ishtiaque, N Sangwan, DJ Yu
Ecology and Society 22 (3), 2017
Learning for resilience-based management: Generating hypotheses from a behavioral study
DJ Yu, HC Shin, I Pérez, JM Anderies, MA Janssen
Global Environmental Change 37, 69-78, 2016
Socio-hydrologic modeling of the dynamics of cooperation in the transboundary Lancang–Mekong River
Y Lu, F Tian, L Guo, I Borzì, R Patil, J Wei, D Liu, Y Wei, DJ Yu, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 25 (4), 1883-1903, 2021
Interplays of sustainability, resilience, adaptation and transformation
JL Johnson, L Zanotti, Z Ma, DJ Yu, DR Johnson, A Kirkham, C Carothers
Handbook of sustainability and social science research, 3-25, 2018
Effects of flood control strategies on flood resilience under sociohydrological disturbances
K Sung, H Jeong, N Sangwan, DJ Yu
Water Resources Research 54 (4), 2661-2680, 2018
Understanding Urban Flood Resilience in the Anthropocene: A Social–Ecological–Technological Systems (SETS) Learning Framework
H Chang, DJ Yu, SA Markolf, C Hong, S Eom, W Song, D Bae
Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 1-21, 2021
Interconnected governance and social barriers impeding the restoration process of Lake Urmia
P Pouladi, S Badiezadeh, M Pouladi, P Yousefi, H Farahmand, ...
Journal of Hydrology 598, 126489, 2021
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