farid said
farid said
Associate Professor Politeknik Pariwisata Makassar
確認したメール アドレス: poltekparmakassar.ac.id
The influence of strategic assets and market orientation to the performance of family business in Makassar City, Indonesia
H Zainal, K Parinsi, M Hasan, F Said, H Akib
Academy of Strategic Management Journal 17 (6), 2018
Improving attitudes and entrepreneurial behaviour of students based on family environment factors at vocational high school in Makassar
M Jufri, H Akib, S Ridjal, R Sahabuddin, F Said
Journal of Entrepreneurship Education 21 (2), 1-14, 2018
An Analysis of Tourism Visit Trend
F Said, H Akib, R Salam, A Baharuddin
Development of Travel Attractions Through the Design of Google SketchUp Based Coastal Tourist Map (Pengembangan Daya Tarik Wisata Melalui Perancangan Peta Wisata Pantai …
F Said, A Wahidiyat, DD Andayani, H Harifuddin, R Salam
Pekommas 2 (2), 222388, 2017
Pengantar Ekowisata
A Syah, F Said
Paramedia Kominikatama, 2020
Snapshot of the socio-economic life of fishermen community based on social entrepreneurship in Bone Regency, Indonesia
A Cahaya, H Akib, F Said, M Mustari, M Yahyaddin
Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal 25 (1), 1-11, 2019
An Analysis of Tourism Visit Trend. 149
F Said, R Salam, H Akib, A Baharuddin
Icest, 2017
Mustari, & Yahyaddin, M.(2019). Snapshot of the socio-economic life of fishermen community based on social entrepreneurship in Bone Regency, Indonesia
A Cahaya, H Akib, F Said
Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal 25 (1), 0
Jurnal-Digital Marketing Communication Strategy of Tourism Destination of Mandalika A Semiotic
A Daeng, A Rahman, M Sukarana
Digital Marketing Communication Strategy of Tourism Destination of Mandalika …, 2023
Aligning tourism area life cycle and product life cycle in avoiding decline stage: Case study on West Nusa Tenggara Indonesia
F Said, J Ferdianto, MS Hali
International Journal of Social Sciences 4 (1), 9-14, 2021
Harifuddin, dan R. Salam. 2017. Pengembangan Daya Tarik Wisata Melalui Perancangan Peta Wisata Pantai Berbasis Google Sketch Up
F Said, A Wahidiyat, DD Andayani
Jurnal Pekommas 2 (2), 185-192, 2017
the Importance of Social Capital in Community-Based Ecotourism To Achieve Sustainable Tourism Development
S Hizmi, F Said
Media Bina Ilmiah 14 (3), 2259-2266, 2019
Overcoming Local Human Resources Barriers in Tourism Industry: Case Study on West Nusa Tenggara Indonesia
F Said, H Hanafi, J Ferdianto, HR Wijaya, AG Lantang, MS Hali, IA Putra
International Journal of Humanities, Literature and Arts 3 (1), 99-105, 2020
Model Implementasi Kebijakan Pariwisata Bahari
F Said
CV. Seribu Bintang, 2020
The Impact of Promoting Tourist Destinations after earthquake in Lombok
F Said
International West Asia Congress Tourism Research -Van University Turkey, 2019
Tourism Business Sustainability Analysis in the Post-Pandemic Era: A Systematic Literature Review
HR Widjaja, F Said, J Ferdianto, S Hizmi, RE Batubara
Journal of Business and Management Studies 5 (1), 143-151, 2023
Marine Tourism Sustainability Strategy with Triple Helix Support: A Case Study of West Sulawesi Marine Tourism
F Said, RS Farid
Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies 4 (4), 330-335, 2022
Studi Kelayakan Pembukaan Program Studi Terapan Destinasi Pariwisata Di Politeknik Pariwisata Lomnok
F Said, H Hanafi, J Ferdianto, HR Wijaya, AG Lantang, MS Hali, IA Putra
Politeknik Pariwisata Lombok, 2020
Dampak Gempa Bumi terhadap Kunjungan Wisatawan di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat
F Said, A Saufi, H Akib, MI Karomi
Journal of Lombok Tourism Archipelago 1 (1), 2019
Laporan kajian dampak gempa terhadap ekonomi sektor pariwisata
F Said
Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia, 2018
論文 1–20