Martin Ignacio Idiart
Martin Ignacio Idiart
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Cited by
Macroscopic behavior and field fluctuations in viscoplastic composites: second-order estimates versus full-field simulations
MI Idiart, H Moulinec, PP Castañeda, P Suquet
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 54 (5), 1029-1063, 2006
Cavitation in elastomeric solids: I--A defect-growth theory
O Lopez-Pamies, T Nakamura
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2011
Dilatational viscoplasticity of polycrystalline solids with intergranular cavities
RA Lebensohn, MI Idiart, PP Castañeda, PG Vincent
Philosophical Magazine 91 (22), 3038-3067, 2011
Field statistics in nonlinear composites. I. Theory
MI Idiart, PP Castañeda
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2007
A homogenization-based constitutive model for isotropic viscoplastic porous media
K Danas, MI Idiart, PP Castañeda
International Journal of Solids and Structures 45 (11-12), 3392-3409, 2008
Cavitation in elastomeric solids: II--Onset-of-cavitation surfaces for Neo-Hookean materials
O Lopez-Pamies, T Nakamura
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2011
Modeling the macroscopic behavior of two-phase nonlinear composites by infinite-rank laminates
MI Idiart
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 56 (8), 2599-2617, 2008
Size effects in the bending of thin foils
MI Idiart, VS Deshpande, NA Fleck, JR Willis
International Journal of Engineering Science 47 (11-12), 1251-1264, 2009
Fiber-reinforced hyperelastic solids: a realizable homogenization constitutive theory
O Lopez-Pamies, MI Idiart
Journal of Engineering Mathematics 68, 57-83, 2010
Infinite-contrast periodic composites with strongly nonlinear behavior: Effective-medium theory versus full-field simulations
MI Idiart, F Willot, YP Pellegrini, PP Castaneda
International Journal of Solids and Structures 46 (18-19), 3365-3382, 2009
Variational linear comparison bounds for nonlinear composites with anisotropic phases. I. General results
MI Idiart, P Ponte Castañeda
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2007
Size effects in the torsion of thin metal wires
MI Idiart, NA Fleck
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 18 (1), 015009, 2009
Effects of internal pore pressure on closed-cell elastomeric foams
O Lopez-Pamies, PP Castañeda, MÌI Idiart
International Journal of Solids and Structures 49 (19-20), 2793-2798, 2012
An exact result for the macroscopic response of porous Neo-Hookean solids
O Lopez-Pamies, MI Idiart
Journal of Elasticity 95, 99-105, 2009
Second-order estimates for nonlinear isotropic composites with spherical pores and rigid particles
M Idiart, PP Castañeda
Comptes Rendus Mécanique 333 (2), 147-154, 2005
Variational linear comparison bounds for nonlinear composites with anisotropic phases. II. Crystalline materials
MI Idiart, P Ponte Castañeda
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2007
Second-order theory for nonlinear composites and application to isotropic constituents
MI Idiart, K Danas, PP Castañeda
Comptes rendus. Mécanique 334 (10), 575-581, 2006
A homogenization-based constitutive model for two-dimensional viscoplastic porous media
K Danas, MI Idiart, PP Castañeda
Comptes Rendus. Mécanique 336 (1-2), 79-90, 2008
Estimates for the overall linear properties of pointwise heterogeneous solids with application to elasto-viscoplasticity
MI Idiart, N Lahellec
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 97, 317-332, 2016
The macroscopic behavior of power-law and ideally plastic materials with elliptical distribution of porosity
MI Idiart
Mechanics Research Communications 35 (8), 583-588, 2008
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Articles 1–20