Angel Suescun
Angel Suescun
Research Engineer, CEIT and TECNUN
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Full-body performance animation with sequential inverse kinematics
L Unzueta, M Peinado, R Boulic, Á Suescun
Graphical models 70 (5), 87-104, 2008
IMA-VR: a multimodal virtual training system for skills transfer in industrial maintenance and assembly tasks
T Gutierrez, J Rodriguez, Y Vélaz, S Casado, A Suescun, EJ Sanchez
19th International Symposium in Robot and Human Interactive Communication …, 2010
The influence of interaction technology on the learning of assembly tasks using virtual reality
Y Vélaz, J Rodríguez Arce, T Gutiérrez, A Lozano-Rodero, A Suescun
Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering 14 (4), 041007, 2014
Validation of a model-based motion reconstruction method developed in the Realman project
X Wang, N Chevalot, G Monnier, S Ausejo, Á Suescun, J Celigüeta
SAE transactions, 873-879, 2005
Evaluation of on-line analytic and numeric inverse kinematics approaches driven by partial vision input
R Boulic, J Varona, L Unzueta, M Peinado, A Suescun, F Perales
Virtual Reality 10, 48-61, 2006
Evaluating the effects of bus design on passenger flow: Is agent-based simulation a feasible approach?
O Rexfelt, T Schelenz, M Karlsson, A Suescun
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 38, 16-27, 2014
Application of agent based simulation for evaluating a bus layout design from passengers’ perspective
T Schelenz, Á Suescun, L Wikström, MA Karlsson
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 43, 222-229, 2014
An optimization method for overdetermined kinematic problems formulated with natural coordinates
S Ausejo, Á Suescun, J Celigüeta
Multibody System Dynamics 26, 397-410, 2011
Robust human motion reconstruction in the presence of missing markers and the absence of markers for some body segments
S Ausejo, A Suescun, J Celigüeta, X Wang
SAE Technical Paper, 2006
Integration of multibody systems in mechatronic simulation environments of any kind
J Urruzola, A Suescun, JT Celigueta, J Pargada, M Perez, S Ausejo
International journal of vehicle design 28 (1-3), 57-67, 2002
A comparison between optimization-based human motion prediction methods: data-based, knowledge-based and hybrid approaches
I Pasciuto, S Ausejo, JT Celigüeta, Á Suescun, A Cazón
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 49, 169-183, 2014
WARM: Wearable AR and tablet-based assistant systems for bus maintenance
D Borro, Á Suescun, A Brazález, JM González, E Ortega, E González
Applied Sciences 11 (4), 1443, 2021
Decision making algorithm for bus passenger simulation during the vehicle design process
T Schelenz, Á Suescun, MA Karlsson, L Wikström
Transport Policy 25, 178-185, 2013
Passenger-centered design of future buses using agent-based simulation
T Schelenz, Á Suescun, L Wikström, MA Karlsson
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 48, 1662-1671, 2012
Natural and hybrid bimanual interaction for virtual assembly tasks
Y Vélaz, A Lozano-Rodero, A Suescun, T Gutiérrez
Virtual Reality 18, 161-171, 2014
A hybrid dynamic motion prediction method for multibody digital human models based on a motion database and motion knowledge
I Pasciuto, S Ausejo, JT Celigüeta, A Suescun, A Cazón
Multibody System Dynamics 32, 27-53, 2014
Modeling of Shotcrete Application for Use in a Real‐Time Training Simulator
G Velez, L Matey, A Amundarain, A Suescun, JA Marín, C de Dios
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 28 (6), 465-480, 2013
Kinetic pseudo-energy history for human dynamic gestures recognition
L Unzueta, O Mena, B Sierra, A Suescun
Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects: 5th International Conference …, 2008
Use of inverse dynamics in the development of tilt control strategies for rail vehicles
A Suescun, LM Martin, JG Gimenez, J Vinolas
Vehicle System Dynamics 25 (S1), 655-667, 1996
Standardizing it systems on public transport: An eco-driving assistance system case study
J Puerta, A Brazález, A Suescun, O Iparraguirre, U Atutxa
Communication Technologies for Vehicles: 13th International Workshop …, 2018
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