M. Teresa Gómez López
M. Teresa Gómez López
Catedrática de Universidad. Universidad de Sevilla
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Tactical business-process-decision support based on KPIs monitoring and validation
JM Pérez-Álvarez, A Maté, MT Gómez-López, J Trujillo
Computers in Industry 102, 23-39, 2018
Compliance validation and diagnosis of business data constraints in business processes at runtime
MT Gómez-López, RM Gasca, JM Pérez-Álvarez
Information Systems 48, 26-43, 2015
Diagnosing correctness of semantic workflow models
D Borrego, R Eshuis, MT Gómez-López, RM Gasca
Data & Knowledge Engineering 87, 167-184, 2013
DMN4DQ: when data quality meets DMN
Á Valencia-Parra, L Parody, ÁJ Varela-Vaca, I Caballero, ...
Decision Support Systems 141, 113450, 2021
Enabling process mining in aircraft manufactures: extracting event logs and discovering processes from complex data
Á Valencia Parra, B Ramos Gutiérrez, ÁJ Varela Vaca, MT Gómez López, ...
BPM2019IF: 17th International Conference on Business Process Management 2019 …, 2019
Automating correctness verification of artifact-centric business process models
D Borrego, RM Gasca, MT Gómez-López
Information and Software Technology 62, 187-197, 2015
Automatic verification and diagnosis of security risk assessments in business process models
ÁJ Varela-Vaca, L Parody, RM Gasca, MT Gómez-López
IEEE Access 7, 26448-26465, 2019
Measuring data-centre workflows complexity through process mining: The Google cluster case
D Fernández-Cerero, ÁJ Varela-Vaca, A Fernández-Montes, ...
The Journal of Supercomputing 76 (4), 2449-2478, 2020
Developing a labelled object-relational constraint database architecture for the projection operator
MT Gómez-López, R Ceballos, RM Gasca, C Del Valle
Data & Knowledge Engineering 68 (1), 146-172, 2009
Nmus: Structural analysis for improving the derivation of all muses in overconstrained numeric csps
RM Gasca, C Del Valle, MT Gómez-López, R Ceballos
Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence, 160-169, 2007
CyberSPL: a framework for the verification of cybersecurity policy compliance of system configurations using software product lines
ÁJ Varela-Vaca, R M. Gasca, R Ceballos, MT Gómez-López, ...
Applied Sciences 9 (24), 5364, 2019
Process mining to unleash variability management: discovering configuration workflows using logs
ÁJ Varela-Vaca, JA Galindo, B Ramos-Gutiérrez, MT Gómez-López, ...
Proceedings of the 23rd International Systems and Software Product Line …, 2019
Hybrid business process modeling for the optimization of outcome data
L Parody, MT Gómez-López, RM Gasca
Information and Software Technology 70, 140-154, 2016
CARMEN: A framework for the verification and diagnosis of the specification of security requirements in cyber-physical systems
ÁJ Varela-Vaca, DG Rosado, LE Sánchez, MT Gómez-López, RM Gasca, ...
Computers in Industry 132, 103524, 2021
Process instance query language to include process performance indicators in DMN
JM Perez-Alvarez, MT Gomez-Lopez, L Parody, RM Gasca
2016 IEEE 20th International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing …, 2016
Discovering configuration workflows from existing logs using process mining
B Ramos-Gutiérrez, ÁJ Varela-Vaca, JA Galindo, MT Gómez-López, ...
Empirical Software Engineering 26, 1-41, 2021
Decision-making support for the correctness of input data at runtime in business processes
MT Gómez-López, RM Gasca, JM Pérez-Álvarez
International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems 23 (04), 1450003, 2014
AMADEUS: towards the AutoMAteD secUrity teSting
ÁJ Varela-Vaca, RM Gasca, JA Carmona-Fombella, MT Gómez-López
Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Systems and Software Product Line …, 2020
Verifying the manipulation of data objects according to business process and data models
JM Pérez-Álvarez, MT Gómez-López, R Eshuis, M Montali, RM Gasca
Knowledge and Information Systems 62 (7), 2653-2683, 2020
Guiding the creation of choreographed processes with multiple instances based on data models
MT Gómez-López, JM Pérez-Álvarez, AJ Varela-Vaca, RM Gasca
Business Process Management Workshops: BPM 2016 International Workshops, Rio …, 2017
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Articles 1–20