Henry Proudhon
Henry Proudhon
Directeur de Recherches CNRS, Centre des Matériaux MINES Paris, PSL University
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3-D growth of a short fatigue crack within a polycrystalline microstructure studied using combined diffraction and phase-contrast X-ray tomography
M Herbig, A King, P Reischig, H Proudhon, EM Lauridsen, J Marrow, ...
Acta Materialia 59 (2), 590-601, 2011
New opportunities for 3D materials science of polycrystalline materials at the micrometre lengthscale by combined use of X-ray diffraction and X-ray imaging
W Ludwig, A King, P Reischig, M Herbig, EM Lauridsen, S Schmidt, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 524 (1-2), 69-76, 2009
Using machine learning and a data-driven approach to identify the small fatigue crack driving force in polycrystalline materials
A Rovinelli, MD Sangid, H Proudhon, W Ludwig
npj Computational Materials 4 (1), 35, 2018
A fretting crack initiation prediction taking into account the surface roughness and the crack nucleation process volume
H Proudhon, S Fouvry, JY Buffière
International Journal of fatigue 27 (5), 569-579, 2005
Three-dimensional visualisation of fatigue cracks in metals using high resolution synchrotron X-ray micro-tomography
JY Buffiere, E Ferrie, H Proudhon, W Ludwig
Materials science and technology 22 (9), 1019-1024, 2006
Rough surface contact analysis by means of the Finite Element Method and of a new reduced model
VA Yastrebov, J Durand, H Proudhon, G Cailletaud
Comptes Rendus Mécanique 339 (7-8), 473-490, 2011
Predicting the 3D fatigue crack growth rate of small cracks using multimodal data via Bayesian networks: In-situ experiments and crystal plasticity simulations
A Rovinelli, MD Sangid, H Proudhon, Y Guilhem, RA Lebensohn, ...
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 115, 208-229, 2018
The role of internal stresses on the plastic deformation of the Al–Mg–Si–Cu alloy AA6111
H Proudhon, WJ Poole, X Wang, Y Brechet
Philosophical Magazine 88 (5), 621-640, 2008
3D simulation of short fatigue crack propagation by finite element crystal plasticity and remeshing
H Proudhon, J Li, F Wang, A Roos, V Chiaruttini, S Forest
International Journal of fatigue 82, 238-246, 2016
Ductile crack initiation and propagation assessed via in situ synchrotron radiation-computed laminography
TF Morgeneyer, L Helfen, I Sinclair, H Proudhon, F Xu, T Baumbach
Scripta Materialia 65 (11), 1010-1013, 2011
Effect of multiaxial stress state on morphology and spatial distribution of voids in deformed semicrystalline polymer assessed by X-ray tomography
L Laiarinandrasana, TF Morgeneyer, H Proudhon, F N’guyen, E Maire
Macromolecules 45 (11), 4658-4668, 2012
Experimental and numerical analysis of toughness anisotropy in AA2139 Al-alloy sheet
TF Morgeneyer, J Besson, H Proudhon, MJ Starink, I Sinclair
Acta Materialia 57 (13), 3902-3915, 2009
Determination and prediction of the fretting crack initiation: introduction of the (P, Q, N) representation and definition of a variable process volume
H Proudhon, S Fouvry, GR Yantio
International Journal of Fatigue 28 (7), 707-713, 2006
Damage of semicrystalline polyamide 6 assessed by 3D X‐ray tomography: From microstructural evolution to constitutive modeling
L Laiarinandrasana, TF Morgeneyer, H Proudhon, C Regrain
Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 48 (13), 1516-1525, 2010
Three-dimensional study of a fretting crack using synchrotron X-ray micro-tomography
H Proudhon, JY Buffière, S Fouvry
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 74 (5), 782-793, 2007
Assessing reliability of fatigue indicator parameters for small crack growth via a probabilistic framework
A Rovinelli, Y Guilhem, H Proudhon, RA Lebensohn, W Ludwig, ...
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 25 (4), 045010, 2017
Characterization of polycrystalline materials using synchrotron X-ray imaging and diffraction techniques
W Ludwig, A King, M Herbig, P Reischig, J Marrow, L Babout, ...
Jom 62, 22-28, 2010
Assessing the reliability of fast Fourier transform-based crystal plasticity simulations of a polycrystalline material near a crack tip
A Rovinelli, H Proudhon, RA Lebensohn, MD Sangid
International Journal of Solids and Structures 184, 153-166, 2020
Simulation of short fatigue crack propagation in a 3D experimental microstructure
H Proudhon, J Li, W Ludwig, A Roos, S Forest
Advanced Engineering Materials 19 (8), 1600721, 2017
Prediction of the crack extension under fretting wear loading conditions
S Munoz, H Proudhon, J Dominguez, S Fouvry
International Journal of Fatigue 28 (12), 1769-1779, 2006
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Articles 1–20