Olivier Cerdan
Olivier Cerdan
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Modeling response of soil erosion and runoff to changes in precipitation and cover
MA Nearing, V Jetten, C Baffaut, O Cerdan, A Couturier, M Hernandez, ...
Catena 61 (2-3), 131-154, 2005
Rates and spatial variations of soil erosion in Europe: A study based on erosion plot data
O Cerdan, G Govers, Y Le Bissonnais, K Van Oost, J Poesen, N Saby, ...
Geomorphology 122 (1-2), 167-177, 2010
Indices of sediment connectivity: opportunities, challenges and limitations
T Heckmann, M Cavalli, O Cerdan, S Foerster, M Javaux, E Lode, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 187, 77-108, 2018
Variability of soil surface characteristics influencing runoff and interrill erosion
Y Le Bissonnais, O Cerdan, V Lecomte, H Benkhadra, V Souchère, ...
Catena 62 (2-3), 111-124, 2005
Scale effect on runoff from experimental plots to catchments in agricultural areas in Normandy
O Cerdan, Y Le Bissonnais, G Govers, V Lecomte, K Van Oost, ...
Journal of hydrology 299 (1-2), 4-14, 2004
Pan-European Soil Erosion Risk Assessment for Europe: the PESERA map, version 1 October 2003. Explanation of Special Publication Ispra 2004 No. 73 (SPI 04.73)
M Kirkby, RJA Jones, B Irvine, AGG Gobin, O Cerdan, JJ van Rompaey, ...
Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2004
Incorporating soil surface crusting processes in an expert-based runoff model: Sealing and Transfer by Runoff and Erosion related to Agricultural Management
O Cerdan, V Souchère, V Lecomte, A Couturier, Y Le Bissonnais
Catena 46 (2-3), 189-205, 2002
Land use and climate change effects on soil erosion in a semi-arid mountainous watershed (High Atlas, Morocco)
V Simonneaux, A Cheggour, C Deschamps, F Mouillot, O Cerdan, ...
Journal of Arid Environments 122, 64-75, 2015
Radiocesium transfer from hillslopes to the Pacific Ocean after the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant accident: A review
O Evrard, JP Laceby, H Lepage, Y Onda, O Cerdan, S Ayrault
Journal of environmental radioactivity 148, 92-110, 2015
Operational performance of current synthetic aperture radar sensors in mapping soil surface characteristics in agricultural environments: application to hydrological and …
N Baghdadi, O Cerdan, M Zribi, V Auzet, F Darboux, M El Hajj, RB Kheir
Hydrological Processes: An International Journal 22 (1), 9-20, 2008
Rill erosion on cultivated hillslopes during two extreme rainfall events in Normandy, France
O Cerdan, Y Le Bissonnais, A Couturier, H Bourennane, V Souchère
Soil and Tillage Research 67 (1), 99-108, 2002
The application of remote-sensing data to monitoring and modelling of soil erosion
C King, N Baghdadi, V Lecomte, O Cerdan
Catena 62 (2-3), 79-93, 2005
Regional soil erosion risk mapping in Lebanon
RB Kheir, O Cerdan, C Abdallah
Geomorphology 82 (3-4), 347-359, 2006
Grass strip effects on runoff and soil loss
Y Le Bissonnais, V Lecomte, O Cerdan
Agronomie 24 (3), 129-136, 2004
Operational mapping of soil moisture using synthetic aperture radar data: application to the Touch basin (France)
N Baghdadi, M Aubert, O Cerdan, L Franchistéguy, C Viel, E Martin, ...
Sensors 7 (10), 2458-2483, 2007
Application of an index of sediment connectivity in a lowland area
A Gay, O Cerdan, V Mardhel, M Desmet
Journal of soils and sediments 16, 280-293, 2016
Modelling interrill erosion in small cultivated catchments
O Cerdan, Y Le Bissonnais, A Couturier, N Saby
Hydrological processes 16 (16), 3215-3226, 2002
Sheet and rill erosion
O Cerdan, J Poesen, G Govers, N Saby, Y Le Bissonnais, A Gobin, ...
Accelerated sediment fluxes by water and tillage erosion on European agricultural land
K Van Oost, O Cerdan, TA Quine
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 34 (12), 1625-1634, 2009
Modelling ephemeral gully erosion in small cultivated catchments
V Souchère, O Cerdan, B Ludwig, Y Le Bissonnais, A Couturier, F Papy
Catena 50 (2-4), 489-505, 2003
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Articles 1–20