Steffen Werner
Steffen Werner
Postdoc, Amolf Amsterdam & VU Amsterdam
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Model systems for regeneration: planarians
M Ivankovic, R Haneckova, A Thommen, MA Grohme, M Vila-Farré, ...
Development 146 (17), dev167684, 2019
Antagonistic self-organizing patterning systems control maintenance and regeneration of the anteroposterior axis in planarians
T Stückemann, JP Cleland, S Werner, HTK Vu, R Bayersdorf, SY Liu, ...
Developmental cell 40 (3), 248-263. e4, 2017
Scaling and regeneration of self-organized patterns
S Werner, T Stückemann, MB Amigo, JC Rink, F Jülicher, BM Friedrich
Physical review letters 114 (13), 138101, 2015
Body size-dependent energy storage causes Kleiber’s law scaling of the metabolic rate in planarians
A Thommen, S Werner, O Frank, J Philipp, O Knittelfelder, Y Quek, ...
eLife 8, e38187, 2019
Shape mode analysis exposes movement patterns in biology: flagella and flatworms as case studies
S Werner, JC Rink, IH Riedel-Kruse, BM Friedrich
PloS one 9 (11), e113083, 2014
Self-organization in development, regeneration and organoids
S Werner, HTK Vu, JC Rink
Current opinion in cell biology 44, 102-109, 2017
Critical point in self-organized tissue growth
D Aguilar-Hidalgo, S Werner, O Wartlick, M González-Gaitán, ...
Physical review letters 120 (19), 198102, 2018
Growth and Scaling during Development and Regeneration
S Werner
arXiv preprint arXiv:1608.06918, 2016
Critical Point in Self-Organized Tissue Growth
DA Hidalgo, S Werner, O Wartlick, M González-Gaitán, B Friedrich, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1711.02021, 2017
Dynamic gradient scaling as a critical point of growth control in biological tissues
D Aguilar-Hidalgo, S Werner, O Wartlick, M González-Gaitán, ...
Dynamic gradient scaling as a critical point of growth control
D Aguilar-Hidalgo, S Werner, O Wartlick, M González-Gaitán, ...
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Articles 1–11