Camille Marchet
Camille Marchet
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Critical Assessment of Metagenome Interpretation: the second round of challenges
F Meyer, A Fritz, ZL Deng, D Koslicki, TR Lesker, A Gurevich, G Robertson, ...
Nature methods 19 (4), 429-440, 2022
Data structures based on k-mers for querying large collections of sequencing data sets
C Marchet, C Boucher, SJ Puglisi, P Medvedev, M Salson, R Chikhi
Genome Research, 2020
SNP calling from RNA-seq data without a reference genome: identification, quantification, differential analysis and impact on the protein sequence
H Lopez-Maestre, L Brinza, C Marchet, J Kielbassa, S Bastien, ...
Nucleic Acids Research 44 (19), e148-e148, 2016
REINDEER: efficient indexing of k-mer presence and abundance in sequencing datasets
C Marchet, Z Iqbal, D Gautheret, M Salson, R Chikhi
Bioinformatics 36 (Supplement_1), i177-i185, 2020
CONSENT: Scalable self-correction of long reads with multiple sequence alignment
P Morisse, C Marchet, A Limasset, T Lecroq, A Lefebvre
Comparative assessment of long-read error correction software applied to Nanopore RNA-sequencing data
L Lima, C Marchet, S Caboche, C Da Silva, B Istace, JM Aury, H Touzet, ...
Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2019
BLight: efficient exact associative structure for k-mers
C Marchet, M Kerbiriou, A Limasset
Bioinformatics, 2021
Complementarity of assembly-first and mapping-first approaches for alternative splicing annotation and differential analysis from RNAseq data
C Benoit-Pilven, C Marchet, E Chautard, L Lima, MP Lambert, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 4307, 2018
A survey of mapping algorithms in the long-reads era
K Sahlin, T Baudeau, B Cazaux, C Marchet
Genome Biology 24 (1), 133, 2023
De novo clustering of long reads by gene from transcriptomics data
C Marchet, L Lecompte, CD Silva, C Cruaud, JM Aury, J Nicolas, ...
Nucleic acids research 47 (1), e2-e2, 2019
A resource-frugal probabilistic dictionary and applications in bioinformatics
C Marchet, L Lecompte, A Limasset, L Bittner, P Peterlongo
Discrete Applied Mathematics 274, 92-102, 2020
Playing hide and seek with repeats in local and global de novo transcriptome assembly of short RNA-seq reads
L Lima, B Sinaimeri, G Sacomoto, H Lopez-Maestre, C Marchet, V Miele, ...
Algorithms for Molecular Biology 12 (1), 2, 2017
A de novo approach to disentangle partner identity and function in holobiont systems
A Meng, C Marchet, E Corre, P Peterlongo, A Alberti, C Da Silva, ...
Microbiome 6, 1-15, 2018
Scalable sequence database search using partitioned aggregated Bloom comb trees
C Marchet, A Limasset
Bioinformatics 39 (Supplement_1), i252-i259, 2023
ELECTOR: Evaluator for long reads correction methods
C Marchet, P Morisse, L Lecompte, A Lefebvre, T Lecroq, P Peterlongo, ...
NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics 2 (1), lqz015, 2020
Colib’read on galaxy: a tools suite dedicated to biological information extraction from raw NGS reads
Y Le Bras, O Collin, C Monjeaud, V Lacroix, É Rivals, C Lemaitre, V Miele, ...
GigaScience 5 (1), s13742-015-0105-2, 2016
Conway–Bromage–Lyndon (CBL): an exact, dynamic representation of k-mer sets
I Martayan, B Cazaux, A Limasset, C Marchet
Bioinformatics 40 (Supplement_1), i48-i57, 2024
Fractional Hitting Sets for Efficient and Lightweight Genomic Data Sketching
T Rouzé, I Martayan, C Marchet, A Limasset
bioRxiv, 2023.06. 21.545875, 2023
Sneak peek at the tig sequences: useful sequences built from nucleic acid data
C Marchet
arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.06318, 2022
Cdbgtricks: strategies to update a compacted de bruijn graph
K Hannoush, C Marchet, P Peterlongo
bioRxiv, 2024.05. 24.595676, 2024
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