Marc Helbling
Marc Helbling
University of Mannheim and WZB Berlin Social Science Center
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Political Conflict in Western Europe
H Kriesi, E Grande, M Dolezal, M Helbling, S Hoeglinger, Dominic, Hutter, ...
Cambridge University Press, 2012
An empirical comparison of seven populist attitudes scales
B Castanho Silva, S Jungkunz, M Helbling, L Littvay
Political Research Quarterly 73 (2), 409-424, 2020
Framing immigration in western Europe
M Helbling
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 40 (1), 21-41, 2014
How political parties frame European integration
M Helbling, D Hoeglinger, B Wüest
European Journal of Political Research 49 (4), 495-521, 2010
Measuring immigration policies: The IMPIC database
M Helbling, L Bjerre, F Römer, M Zobel
European Political Science 16 (1), 79-98, 2017
Opposing muslims and the muslim headscarf in Western Europe
M Helbling
European sociological review 30 (2), 242-257, 2014
Islamophobia in the West. Measuring and Explaining Individual Attitudes
M Helbling
Measuring party positions and issue salience from media coverage: Discussing and cross-validating new indicators
M Helbling, A Tresch
Electoral Studies 30 (1), 174-183, 2011
Der Aufstieg der SVP. Acht Kantone im Vergleich
H Kriesi, P Selb, R Lachat, S Bornschier, M Helbling
Conceptualizing and measuring immigration policies: A comparative perspective
L Bjerre, M Helbling, F Römer, M Zobel
International Migration Review 49 (3), 555-600, 2015
Economic and Cultural Drivers of Immigrant Support Worldwide
NA Valentino, S Soroka, S Iyengar, T Aalberg, R Duch, M Fraile, K Hahn, ...
British Journal of Political Science, 2017
Why citizens prefer high-over low-skilled immigrants. Labor market competition, welfare state, and deservingness
M Helbling, H Kriesi
European Sociological Review 30 (5), 595-614, 2014
Migration Policy Trends in OECD Countries
M Helbling, D Kalkum
Journal of European Public Policy 25 (12), 1779-1797, 2018
Practising citizenship and heterogeneous nationhood: naturalisations in Swiss municipalities
M Helbling
Amsterdam University Press, 2008
Reality bites: The limits of framing effects for salient and contested policy issues
MM Bechtel, J Hainmueller, D Hangartner, M Helbling
Political Science Research and Methods 3 (3), 683-695, 2015
Validating integration and citizenship policy indices
M Helbling
Comparative European Politics 11, 555-576, 2013
Debating Islam in Austria, Germany and Switzerland: Ethnic citizenship, church–state relations and right-wing populism
M Dolezal, M Helbling, S Hutter
West European Politics 33 (2), 171-190, 2010
Islamophobia in Switzerland: A new phenomenon or a new name for xenophobia
M Helbling
Value change in Switzerland 65, 80, 2010
What Is Islamophobia? Disentangling Citizens’ Feelings Towards Ethnicity, Religion and Religiosity Using a Survey Experiment
M Helbling, R Traunmüller
British Journal of Political Research, 2018
The transformative power of globalization and the structure of political conflict in Western Europe
E Grande, H Kriesi, M Dolezal, M Helbling, D Hoglinger, S Hutter, B Wuest
Political conflict in western Europe, 3-35, 2012
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Articles 1–20