Pierre Casadebaig
Pierre Casadebaig
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Sunflower crop and climate change: vulnerability, adaptation, and mitigation potential from case-studies in Europe
P Debaeke, P Casadebaig, F Flenet, N Langlade
OCL Oilseeds and fats crops and lipids 24 (1), 15 p., 2017
Thresholds for leaf expansion and transpiration response to soil water deficit in a range of sunflower genotypes
P Casadebaig, P Debaeke, J Lecoeur
European Journal of Agronomy 28 (4), 646-654, 2008
SUNFLO, a model to simulate genotype-specific performance of the sunflower crop in contrasting environments
P Casadebaig, L Guilioni, J Lecoeur, A Christophe, L Champolivier, ...
Agricultural and forest meteorology 151 (2), 163-178, 2011
Assessment of the Potential Impacts of Wheat Plant Traits across Environments by Combining Crop Modeling and Global Sensitivity Analysis
P Casadebaig, B Zheng, S Chapman, N Huth, R Faivre, K Chenu
PLoS One 11 (1), e0146385, 2016
Current knowledge and future research opportunities for modeling annual crop mixtures. A review
N Gaudio, AJ Escobar-Gutiérrez, P Casadebaig, JB Evers, F Gérard, ...
Agronomy for Sustainable Development 39, 1-20, 2019
Agronomic model uses to predict cultivar performance in various environments and cropping systems. A review
MH Jeuffroy, P Casadebaig, P Debaeke, C Loyce, JM Meynard
Agronomy for Sustainable Development 34, 121-137, 2014
Genetic control of plasticity of oil yield for combined abiotic stresses using a joint approach of crop modelling and genome‐wide association
B Mangin, P Casadebaig, E Cadic, N Blanchet, MC Boniface, S Carrère, ...
Plant, Cell & Environment 40 (10), 2276-2291, 2017
Prediction of sunflower grain oil concentration as a function of variety, crop management and environment using statistical models
FN Andrianasolo, P Casadebaig, E Maza, L Champolivier, P Maury, ...
European Journal of Agronomy 54, 84-96, 2014
Quantifying physiological determinants of genetic variation for yield potential in sunflower. SUNFLO: a model-based analysis
J Lecoeur, R Poiré-Lassus, A Christophe, B Pallas, P Casadebaig, ...
Functional plant biology 38 (3), 246-259, 2011
Heliaphen, an outdoor high-throughput phenotyping platform for genetic studies and crop modeling
F Gosseau, N Blanchet, D Varès, P Burger, D Campergue, C Colombet, ...
Frontiers in plant science 9, 1908, 2019
Using numerical plant models and phenotypic correlation space to design achievable ideotypes
V Picheny, P Casadebaig, R Trépos, R Faivre, D Da Silva, P Vincourt, ...
Plant, Cell & Environment 40 (9), 1926-1939, 2017
A model-based approach to assist variety evaluation in sunflower crop
P Casadebaig, E Mestries, P Debaeke
European Journal of Agronomy 81, 92-105, 2016
New challenges for sunflower ideotyping in changing environments and more ecological cropping systems
P Debaeke, P Casadebaig, NB Langlade
OCL 28, 29, 2021
A biomarker based on gene expression indicates plant water status in controlled and natural environments
G Marchand, B Mayjonade, D Vares, N Blanchet, MC BONIFACE, ...
Plant, cell & environment 36 (12), 2175-2189, 2013
Effects of plant growth stage and leaf aging on the response of transpiration and photosynthesis to water deficit in sunflower
FN Andrianasolo, P Casadebaig, N Langlade, P Debaeke, P Maury
Functional plant biology 43 (8), 797-805, 2016
Analyse et modélisation des interactions génotype-environnement-conduite de culture
P Casadebaig
Institut National Polytechnique (Toulouse), 2008
Species choice and N fertilization influence yield gains through complementarity and selection effects in cereal-legume intercrops
R Mahmoud, P Casadebaig, N Hilgert, L Alletto, GT Freschet, ...
Agronomy for Sustainable Development 42 (2), 12, 2022
Simulation de la réponse variétale du tournesol à l’environnement à l’aide du modèle SUNFLO
P Debaeke, P Casadebaig, B Haquin, E Mestries, JP Palleau, F Salvi
Oléagineux, Corps gras, Lipides 17 (3), 143-151, 2010
Construire des stratégies de production adaptées aux débouchés à l’échelle du bassin de collecte
SL Dejoux, M Ludot, F Berger, P Casadebaig, P Jouffret, C Vogrincic
A generic model to simulate air-borne diseases as a function of crop architecture
P Casadebaig, G Quesnel, M Langlais, R Faivre
PLoS One 7 (11), e49406, 2012
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Articles 1–20