Andreas Nygård Osnes
Cited by
Cited by
Computational analysis of shock-induced flow through stationary particle clouds
AN Osnes, M Vartdal, MG Omang, BAP Reif
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 114, 268-286, 2019
Numerical simulation of particle jet formation induced by shock wave acceleration in a Hele-Shaw cell
AN Osnes, M Vartdal, BAP Reif
Shock Waves 28 (3), 451-461, 2018
Large-eddy simulation of dense gas dispersion over a simplified urban area
EMM Wingstedt, AN Osnes, E Åkervik, D Eriksson, BAP Reif
Atmospheric Environment 152, 605-616, 2017
Comprehensive quasi-steady force correlations for compressible flow through random particle suspensions
AN Osnes, M Vartdal, M Khalloufi, J Capecelatro, S Balachandar
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 165, 104485, 2023
Particle-resolved simulations of shock-induced flow through particle clouds at different Reynolds numbers
AN Osnes, M Vartdal, MG Omang, BAP Reif
Physical Review Fluids 5 (1), 014305, 2020
Performance of drag force models for shock-accelerated flow in dense particle suspensions
AN Osnes, M Vartdal
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 137, 103563, 2021
Mach and Reynolds number dependency of the unsteady shock-induced drag force on a sphere
AN Osnes, M Vartdal
Physics of Fluids 34 (4), 2022
Matematiske modeller under en pandemi
S Engebretsen, AN Osnes
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening, 2020
Using particle-resolved LES to improve Eulerian-Lagrangian modeling of shock wave particle cloud interaction
M Vartdal, AN Osnes
Proceedings of the Summer Program 2018, 25-34, 2018
Linear motion of multiple superposed viscous fluids
M Vartdal, AN Osnes
Physical Review E 99 (4), 043104, 2019
Numerical Investigation of Shock Wave Particle Cloud Interaction in Cylindrical Geometries
AN Osnes, M Vartdal, MG Omang, BAP Reif
MekIT’19 - 10th National Conference on Computational Mechanics, 285-311, 2019
Jetting instability of a shocked cylindrical shell of solid particles
AN Osnes, M Vartdal, BA Pettersson Reif
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, H5. 009, 2016
Shock-induced flow through particle clouds
AN Osnes
University of Oslo, 2019
MODITIC-large-eddy simulations of dense gas dispersion in urban environments
D Eriksson, AN Osnes, O Parmhed, EMM Wingstedt, G Leroy
Development of LES inflow conditions for turbulent boundary layers
EMM Wingstedt, M Vartdal, AN Osnes, M Tutkun
Volume fraction gradient effects in compressible particle-laden flow
M Vartdal, A Osnes, S Jain
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, X22. 007, 2024
Pseudo-turbulence in steady state flows through random particle suspensions at finite Mach number
AN Osnes, M Vartdal
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, X22. 009, 2024
An operational dispersion model for wind over swell seas
E Åkervik, AN Osnes
Neighbor-induced unsteady force in the interaction of a cylindrical shock wave with an annular particle cloud
S Briney, AN Osnes, M Vartdal, TL Jackson, S Balachandar
Physical Review Fluids 9 (2), 024308, 2024
Safe storage of ammonium nitrate products–scientific framework for government regulations
TE Kristensen, AN Osnes
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Articles 1–20