Diarmuid Grimes
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Cited by
Learning to Identify Global Bottlenecks in Constraint Satisfaction Search.
D Grimes, RJ Wallace
FLAIRS Conference, 592-597, 2007
Experimental studies of variable selection strategies based on constraint weights
RJ Wallace, D Grimes
Journal of Algorithms 63 (1-3), 114-129, 2008
Novel efficient technologies in Europe for axle bearing condition monitoring–the MAXBE project
C Vale, C Bonifácio, J Seabra, R Calçada, N Mazzino, M Elisa, S Terribile, ...
Transportation Research Procedia 14, 635-644, 2016
Analyzing the impact of electricity price forecasting on energy cost-aware scheduling
D Grimes, G Ifrim, B O'Sullivan, H Simonis
Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems 4 (4), 276-291, 2014
Closing the open shop: Contradicting conventional wisdom
D Grimes, E Hebrard, A Malapert
International conference on principles and practice of constraint …, 2009
Job shop scheduling with setup times and maximal time-lags: A simple constraint programming approach
D Grimes, E Hebrard
International Conference on Integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and …, 2010
Solving variants of the job shop scheduling problem through conflict-directed search
D Grimes, E Hebrard
INFORMS Journal on Computing 27 (2), 268-284, 2015
Solving dynamic constraint satisfaction problems by identifying stable features
RJ Wallace, D Grimes, EC Freuder
Twenty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence …, 2009
Sampling strategies and variable selection in weighted degree heuristics
D Grimes, RJ Wallace
International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint …, 2007
Learning from failure in constraint satisfaction search
D Grimes, RJ Wallace
Learning for Search: Papers from the 2006 AAAI Workshop, 24-31, 2006
Models and strategies for variants of the job shop scheduling problem
D Grimes, E Hebrard
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming–CP 2011: 17th …, 2011
Integrated Energy Efficient Data Centre Management for Green Cloud Computing-The FP7 GENiC Project Experience
JI Torrens, D Mehta, V Zavrel, D Grimes, T Scherer, R Birke, L Chen, ...
Special Session on Tools for an Energy Efficient Cloud 3, 375-386, 2016
A cost-based model and algorithms for interleaving solving and elicitation of csps
N Wilson, D Grimes, EC Freuder
International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint …, 2007
A comparison of deep learning vs traditional machine learning for electricity price forecasting
C O'Leary, C Lynch, R Bain, G Smith, D Grimes
2021 4th International Conference on Information and Computer Technologies …, 2021
Neural architecture search using particle swarm and ant colony optimization
S Lankford, D Grimes
arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.03781, 2024
Robust server consolidation: coping with peak demand underestimation
D Grimes, D Mehta, B O’Sullivan, R Birke, L Chen, T Scherer, ...
2016 IEEE 24th International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation …, 2016
A study of adaptive restarting strategies for solving constraint satisfaction problems
D Grimes
Proc. 19th Irish Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science …, 2008
Globally optimised energyefficient datacenters
D Pesch, S Rea, V Zavrel, J Hensen, D Grimes, B O’Sullivan
ICT-Energy Concepts for Energy Efficiency and Sustainability, 187-214, 2017
Automated energy usage optimization for the residential sector: Impact of price tariffs
D Grimes, H Simonis, A Pratt, C Sheridan
3rd International Conference on Computational Sustainability (CompSust’12), 2012
Identifying sources of global contention in constraint satisfaction search
D Grimes
University College Cork, 2012
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Articles 1–20