I. (Haran) Arasaratnam
I. (Haran) Arasaratnam
Battery Engineering, Apple Inc.
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Cubature Kalman Filters
I Arasaratnam, S Haykin
Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on 54 (6), 1254-1269, 2009
Cubature Kalman filtering for continuous-discrete systems: Theory and simulations
I Arasaratnam, S Haykin, TR Hurd
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 58 (10), 4977-4993, 2010
Cubature Kalman Smoothers
I Arasaratnam, S Haykin
Automatica 47 (10), 2245-2250, 2011
Reduced-Order Electrochemical Model Parameters Identification and SOC Estimation for Healthy and Aged Li-Ion Batteries Part I: Parameterization Model Development for Healthy …
SH R. Ahmed, M. E. Sayed I. Arasaratnam, J. Tjong
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 2 (3), 659-677, 2014
Reduced-order electrochemical model parameters identification and state of charge estimation for healthy and aged Li-ion batteries—Part II: Aged battery model and state of …
R Ahmed, M El Sayed, I Arasaratnam, J Tjong, S Habibi
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 2 (3), 678-690, 2014
Combined cubature Kalman and smooth variable structure filtering: A robust nonlinear estimation strategy
SA Gadsden, M Al-Shabi, I Arasaratnam, SR Habibi
Signal Processing 96, 290-299, 2014
Cognitive tracking radar
S Haykin, A Zia, I Arasaratnam, Y Xue
2010 IEEE Radar Conference, 1467-1470, 2010
Cubature Kalman Filtering: Theory & Applications
I Arasaratnam
PhD Thesis, McMaster University, Canada, 2009
Control theoretic approach to tracking radar: First step towards cognition
S Haykin, A Zia, Y Xue, I Arasaratnam
Digital Signal Processing 21 (5), 576-585, 2011
Tracking the mode of operation of multi-function radars
I Arasaratnam, S Haykin, T Kirubarajan, FA Dilkes
2006 IEEE Int'l Radar Conference 2006, 2006
Derivative‐free square‐root cubature Kalman filter for non‐linear brushless DC motors
D Potnuru, KP Bharani Chandra, I Arasaratnam, DW Gu, K Alice Mary, ...
IET Electric Power Applications 10 (5), 419-429, 2016
Sensor fusion with square-root cubature information filtering
I Arasaratnam
Scientific Research Publishing, 2013
Nonlinear Bayesian filters for training recurrent neural networks
I Arasaratnam, S Haykin
Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 12-33, 2008
Adaptive temperature monitoring for battery thermal management
I Arasaratnam, J Tjong, R Ahmed, M El-Sayed, S Habibi
2013 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC), 1-6, 2013
Cubature Kalman filtering: A powerful new tool for aerospace applications
I Arasaratnam, S Haykin
Proc. Int. Radar Conf., 1-6, 2009
Cognitive Tracking Radar
US Patent 20,110,084,871, 2009
Estimation of an Electrohydrostatic Actuator Using a Combined Cubature Kalman and Smooth Variable Structure Filter
SA Gadsden, M Al-Shabi, I Arasaratnam, S Habibi
International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE), 2010
Switched-Capacitor Cell Balancing: A Fresh Perspective
I Arasaratnam, J Tjong, S Habibi
SAE Technical Paper, 7, 2014
Battery Management System in the Bayesian Paradigm: Part I: SOC Estimation
I Arasaratnam, J Tjong, R Ahmed
Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC), 2014 IEEE, 1-5, 2014
Novel battery SOC/SOP/SOH estimation algorithms in a unified framework
I Arasaratnam, J Tjong, R Ahmed
2014 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2014
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Articles 1–20