Xuchao Zhao
Xuchao Zhao
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Cited by
NanoSIMS analysis of organic carbon from the Tissint Martian meteorite: Evidence for the past existence of subsurface organic‐bearing fluids on Mars
Y Lin, A El Goresy, S Hu, J Zhang, P Gillet, Y Xu, J Hao, M Miyahara, ...
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 49 (12), 2201-2218, 2014
Organic matter and water from asteroid Itokawa
QHS Chan, A Stephant, IA Franchi, X Zhao, R Brunetto, Y Kebukawa, ...
Scientific reports 11 (1), 5125, 2021
Stardust investigation into the CR chondrite Grove Mountain 021710
X Zhao, C Floss, Y Lin, M Bose
The Astrophysical Journal 769 (1), 49, 2013
The chlorine isotopic composition of the Moon: Insights from melt inclusions
A Stephant, M Anand, X Zhao, QHS Chan, M Bonifacie, IA Franchi
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 523, 115715, 2019
A deuterium-poor water reservoir in the asteroid 4 Vesta and the inner solar system
A Stephant, M Wadhwa, R Hervig, M Bose, X Zhao, TJ Barrett, M Anand, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 297, 203-219, 2021
The shocking state of apatite and merrillite in shergottite Northwest Africa 5298 and extreme nanoscale chlorine isotope variability revealed by atom probe tomography
JR Darling, LF White, T Kizovski, A Černok, DE Moser, KT Tait, J Dunlop, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 293, 422-437, 2021
Investigating magmatic processes in the early Solar System using the Cl isotopic systematics of eucrites
TJ Barrett, JJ Barnes, M Anand, IA Franchi, RC Greenwood, BLA Charlier, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 266, 582-597, 2019
First laboratory observation of silica grains from core collapse supernovae
P Haenecour, X Zhao, C Floss, Y Lin, E Zinner
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 768 (1), L17, 2013
The hydrogen isotopic composition of lunar melt inclusions: An interplay of complex magmatic and secondary processes
A Stephant, M Anand, R Tartèse, X Zhao, G Degli-Alessandrini, IA Franchi
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 284, 196-221, 2020
The metal–silicate partitioning of carbon during Earth's accretion and its distribution in the early solar system
I Blanchard, DC Rubie, ES Jennings, IA Franchi, X Zhao, S Petitgirard, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 580, 117374, 2022
Preservation of primordial signatures of water in highly-shocked ancient lunar rocks
A Černok, M Anand, X Zhao, JR Darling, LF White, A Stephant, J Dunlop, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 544, 116364, 2020
Organics preserved in anhydrous interplanetary dust particles: Pristine or not?
QHS Chan, IA Franchi, X Zhao, A Stephant, IP Wright, CMOD Alexander
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 55 (6), 1320-1348, 2020
An ancient reservoir of volatiles in the Moon sampled by lunar meteorite Northwest Africa 10989
A Stephant, M Anand, HO Ashcroft, X Zhao, S Hu, RL Korotev, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 266, 163-183, 2019
李秋立, 杨蔚, 刘宇, 唐国强, 郝佳龙, 张建超, 胡森, 赵旭晁, 陈雅丽, ...
矿物岩石地球化学通报, 310-327, 2013
Continued investigation of presolar silicate grains in the carbonaceous chondrite Ningqiang
X Zhao, C Floss, FJ Stadermann, M Bose, Y Lin
42nd Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1982, 2011
张彦龙, 赵旭晁, 葛文春, 张吉衡, 高妍
岩石学报 26 (12), 3507-3520, 2010
Atom-probe tomographic analyses of presolar silicon carbide grains and meteoritic nanodiamonds—first results on silicon carbide
PR Heck, MJ Pellin, AM Davis, I Martin, L Renaud, R Benbalagh, D Isheim, ...
41st Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2112, 2010
陨石学与天体化学 (2001~ 2010) 研究进展
林杨挺, 缪秉魁, 徐琳, 胡森, 冯璐, 赵旭晁, 杨晶
矿物岩石地球化学通报, 40-55, 2013
Ion microprobe microanalytical techniques and their applications in earth sciences
QL Li, W Yang, Y Liu, GQ Tang, JL Hao, JC Zhang, S Hu, XC Zhao, ...
Bulletin of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry 32 (3), 310-327, 2013
Exploring relationships between shock-induced microstructures and H2O and Cl in apatite grains from eucrite meteorites
TJ Barrett, A Černok, G Degli-Alessandrini, X Zhao, M Anand, IA Franchi, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 302, 120-140, 2021
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