Faculty of animal science, Vietnam national university of agriculture
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Reproductivity and egg quality of H’mong chicken
NT Phuong, HN Mai, N Van Duy, VD Ton
Animal production in Southeast Asia: Current status and Future, 27-32, 2017
The growth and meat quality of H'mong chicken raised by industrial farming
NTP Nguyen Van Duy, Vu Dinh Ton
Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences 15 (4), 438-445, 2017
Additive genetic effects of RNF4, RBP4, and IGF2 polymorphisms on litter size in Landrace and Yorkshire sows
VDT Nguyen Thi Vinh, Do Duc Luc, Nguyen Hoang Thinh, Ha Xuan Bo, Hoang Ngoc ...
Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences 2 (1), 314-320, 2019
Diversified chicken farming systems and trading networks in Hai Duong Province, Northern Vietnam
HN Mai, NT Phuong, ND Tien, VD Ton, M Peyre
Anim Prod Southeast Asia Curr Status Future 38, 2017
Enhancing the economical efficiency of pig production using self-mixed diets
NTP Vu Dinh Ton, Nguyen Dinh Tien
Journal of Animal Husbandry Sciences and Technics, 20-25, 2019
Pig production’s situation and the trends of using in self-mixed diets for swine production in Cam Giang district, Hai Duong province
NTP Vu Dinh Ton, Nguyen Dinh Tien
Journal of Animal Husbandry Sciences and Technics, 25-32, 2019
Reproductivity and egg quality of H’Mong chicken
N Van Duy, NT Phuong, VD Ton, HN Mai
VietNam national university of agriculture, 2017
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Articles 1–7