Michael D Tillotson
Michael D Tillotson
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Concentrations of environmental DNA (eDNA) reflect spawning salmon abundance at fine spatial and temporal scales
MD Tillotson, RP Kelly, JJ Duda, M Hoy, J Kralj, TP Quinn
Biological Conservation 220, 1-11, 2018
Selection on the timing of migration and breeding: A neglected aspect of fishing‐induced evolution and trait change
MD Tillotson, TP Quinn
Fish and Fisheries 19 (1), 170-181, 2018
Measuring the net biological impact of fisheries enhancement: Pink salmon hatcheries can increase yield, but with apparent costs to wild populations
RO Amoroso, MD Tillotson, R Hilborn
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 74 (8), 1233-1242, 2017
Artificial selection on reproductive timing in hatchery salmon drives a phenological shift and potential maladaptation to climate change
MD Tillotson, HK Barnett, M Bhuthimethee, ME Koehler, TP Quinn
Evolutionary applications 12 (7), 1344-1359, 2019
Climate and conspecific density trigger pre-spawning mortality in sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka)
MD Tillotson, TP Quinn
Fisheries Research 188, 138-148, 2017
Clam hunger and the changing ocean: characterizing social and ecological risks to the Quinault razor clam fishery using participatory modeling.
KM Crosman, EL Petrou, MB Rudd, MD Tillotson
Ecology & Society 24 (2), 2019
Beyond correlation in the detection of climate change impacts: Testing a mechanistic hypothesis for climatic influence on sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) productivity
MD Tillotson, TP Quinn
PLoS One 11 (4), e0154356, 2016
Challenges in the identification and interpretation of phenological shifts: anthropogenic influences on adult migration timing in salmonids
MD Tillotson, MC Arostegui, CS Austin, AE Lincoln, W Matsubu, ...
Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture 29 (4), 769-790, 2021
Non-stationary effects of growth on the survival of North American Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
MD Tillotson, TF Sheehan, B Ellingson, RE Haas-Castro, M Olmos, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 78 (8), 2967-2982, 2021
Indigenous Capitalism through Tourism?: A Case Study of Economic Development in Native Southeast Alaska
MD Tillotson
Date of marine annulus formation in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and implications for retrospective growth analyses using scales
LG Carlson, TF Sheehan, MD Tillotson, KE Mills
Journal of Fish Biology 99 (3), 796-806, 2021
Machine learning forecasts to reduce risk of entrainment loss of endangered salmonids at large-scale water diversions in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta, California
MD Tillotson, J Hassrick, AL Collins, C Phillis
San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 20 (2), 2022
At the intersection of fisheries and climate change: Emergent challenges for Pacific salmon management in a warming world
MD Tillotson
University of Washington, 2018
Managing Ecosystems for Productivity and Resilience: An Argument for Alewives in Maine
MD Tillotson
Bowdoin College, 2008
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Articles 1–14