Kazem Zare
Kazem Zare
Professor of electrical engineering, University of Tabriz
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Stochastic scheduling of renewable and CHP-based microgrids
M Alipour, B Mohammadi-Ivatloo, K Zare
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 11 (5), 1049-1058, 2015
Stochastic optimization of energy hub operation with consideration of thermal energy market and demand response
MJ Vahid-Pakdel, S Nojavan, B Mohammadi-Ivatloo, K Zare
energy Conversion and Management 145, 117-128, 2017
Switched-capacitor-based single-source cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter featuring boosting ability
HK Jahan, M Abapour, K Zare
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 34 (2), 1113-1124, 2018
MINLP probabilistic scheduling model for demand response programs integrated energy hubs
M Alipour, K Zare, M Abapour
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 14 (1), 79-88, 2017
Optimal scheduling of plug-in electric vehicles and renewable micro-grid in energy and reserve markets considering demand response program
P Aliasghari, B Mohammadi-Ivatloo, M Alipour, M Abapour, K Zare
Journal of Cleaner Production 186, 293-303, 2018
Stochastic scheduling of aggregators of plug-in electric vehicles for participation in energy and ancillary service markets
M Alipour, B Mohammadi-Ivatloo, M Moradi-Dalvand, K Zare
Energy 118, 1168-1179, 2017
Solution of optimal reactive power dispatch of power systems using hybrid particle swarm optimization and imperialist competitive algorithms
M Mehdinejad, B Mohammadi-Ivatloo, R Dadashzadeh-Bonab, K Zare
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 83, 104-116, 2016
Optimal allocation of capacitors in radial/mesh distribution systems using mixed integer nonlinear programming approach
S Nojavan, M Jalali, K Zare
Electric Power Systems Research 107, 119-124, 2014
Robust scheduling of hydrogen based smart micro energy hub with integrated demand response
A Mansour-Saatloo, M Agabalaye-Rahvar, MA Mirzaei, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 267, 122041, 2020
Application of fuel cell and electrolyzer as hydrogen energy storage system in energy management of electricity energy retailer in the presence of the renewable energy sources …
S Nojavan, K Zare, B Mohammadi-Ivatloo
Energy conversion and management 136, 404-417, 2017
Short-term scheduling of combined heat and power generation units in the presence of demand response programs
M Alipour, K Zare, B Mohammadi-Ivatloo
Energy 71, 289-301, 2014
Optimal bidding strategy of electricity retailers using robust optimisation approach considering time‐of‐use rate demand response programs under market price uncertainties
S Nojavan, B Mohammadi‐Ivatloo, K Zare
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 9 (4), 328-338, 2015
Applying fractional order PID to design TCSC-based damping controller in coordination with automatic generation control of interconnected multi-source power system
J Morsali, K Zare, MT Hagh
Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 20 (1), 1-17, 2017
A multi-objective model for optimal operation of a battery/PV/fuel cell/grid hybrid energy system using weighted sum technique and fuzzy satisfying approach considering …
M Majidi, S Nojavan, NN Esfetanaj, A Najafi-Ghalelou, K Zare
Solar Energy 144, 79-89, 2017
Optimal stochastic energy management of retailer based on selling price determination under smart grid environment in the presence of demand response program
S Nojavan, K Zare, B Mohammadi-Ivatloo
Applied energy 187, 449-464, 2017
Integration of smart energy hubs in distribution networks under uncertainties and demand response concept
M Majidi, K Zare
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 34 (1), 566-574, 2018
A cost-emission model for fuel cell/PV/battery hybrid energy system in the presence of demand response program: ε-constraint method and fuzzy satisfying approach
S Nojavan, M Majidi, A Najafi-Ghalelou, M Ghahramani, K Zare
Energy Conversion and Management 138, 383-392, 2017
Stochastic risk-constrained short-term scheduling of industrial cogeneration systems in the presence of demand response programs
M Alipour, B Mohammadi-Ivatloo, K Zare
Applied Energy 136, 393-404, 2014
Robust decentralized optimization of Multi-Microgrids integrated with Power-to-X technologies
A Mansour-Saatloo, Y Pezhmani, MA Mirzaei, B Mohammadi-Ivatloo, ...
Applied Energy 304, 117635, 2021
Effective oscillation damping of an interconnected multi-source power system with automatic generation control and TCSC
K Zare, MT Hagh, J Morsali
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 65, 220-230, 2015
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