A generalisation of contraction principle in metric spaces PN Dutta, BS Choudhury Fixed point theory and Applications 2008, 1-8, 2008 | 622 | 2008 |
A coupled coincidence point result in partially ordered metric spaces for compatible mappings BS Choudhury, A Kundu Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 73 (8), 2524-2531, 2010 | 402 | 2010 |
Coupled fixed point results in generalized metric spaces BS Choudhury, P Maity Mathematical and Computer Modelling 54 (1-2), 73-79, 2011 | 266 | 2011 |
A new contraction principle in Menger spaces BS Choudhury, K Das Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series 24 (8), 1379-1386, 2008 | 161 | 2008 |
Unique fixed point theorem for weakly C-contractive mappings BS Choudhury Kathmandu university journal of science, engineering and technology 5 (1), 6-13, 2009 | 160 | 2009 |
Fixed point theorems for generalized weakly contractive mappings BS Choudhury, P Konar, BE Rhoades, N Metiya Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 74 (6), 2116-2126, 2011 | 159 | 2011 |
Fixed points of weak contractions in cone metric spaces BS Choudhury, N Metiya Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 72 (3-4), 1589-1593, 2010 | 114 | 2010 |
A generalized weak contraction principle with applications to coupled coincidence point problems BS Choudhury, N Metiya, M Postolache Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2013, 1-21, 2013 | 109 | 2013 |
A common unique fixed point result in metric spaces involving generalised altering distances BS Choudhury Mathematical Communications 10 (2), 105-110, 2005 | 97 | 2005 |
Coupled coincidence point theorems in ordered metric spaces BS Choudhury, N Metiya, A Kundu Annali Dell'Universita'Di Ferrara 57, 1-16, 2011 | 86 | 2011 |
The point of coincidence and common fixed point for a pair of mappings in cone metric spaces BS Choudhury, N Metiya Computers & Mathematics with Applications 60 (6), 1686-1695, 2010 | 75 | 2010 |
A coincidence point result in Menger spaces using a control function BS Choudhury, K Das Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 42 (5), 3058-3063, 2009 | 71 | 2009 |
Some fixed point results in Menger spaces using a control function. PN Dutta, BS Choudhury, K Das Surveys in Mathematics and its Applications 4, 41-52, 2009 | 69 | 2009 |
Asymmetric bidirectional 3⇔ 2 qubit teleportation protocol between Alice and Bob via 9-qubit cluster state BS Choudhury, S Samanta International Journal of Theoretical Physics 56, 3285-3296, 2017 | 64 | 2017 |
Joint remote state preparation for two-qubit equatorial states BS Choudhury, A Dhara Quantum Information Processing 14, 373-379, 2015 | 64 | 2015 |
Convergence of a random iteration scheme to a random fixed point BS Choudhury International Journal of Stochastic Analysis 8 (2), 139-142, 1995 | 63 | 1995 |
Fixed point results in ordered metric spaces for rational type expressions with auxiliary functions S Chandok, BS Choudhury, N Metiya Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society 23 (1), 95-101, 2015 | 62 | 2015 |
On n‐Tupled Coincidence Point Results in Metric Spaces M Imdad, AH Soliman, BS Choudhury, P Das Journal of Operators 2013 (1), 532867, 2013 | 58 | 2013 |
A fixed point result in Menger spaces using a real function BS Choudhury, K Das, PN Dutta Acta Mathematica Hungarica 122, 203-216, 2009 | 55 | 2009 |
A unified fixed point result in metric spaces involving a two variable function BS Choudhury, PN Dutta Filomat, 43-48, 2000 | 55 | 2000 |