Stephane Zaleski
Stephane Zaleski
Institut Jean Le Rond d'Alembert, Sorbonne Universite, IUF & CNRS
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Cited by
Direct numerical simulation of free-surface and interfacial flow
R Scardovelli, S Zaleski
Annual review of fluid mechanics 31 (1), 567-603, 1999
Multiscale seismic waveform inversion
C Bunks, FM Saleck, S Zaleski, G Chavent
Geophysics, 1995
Lattice Boltzmann model of immiscible fluids
AK Gunstensen, DH Rothman, S Zaleski, G Zanetti
Physical review A 43 (8), 4320, 1991
Modelling merging and fragmentation in multiphase flows with SURFER
B Lafaurie, C Nardone, R Scardovelli, S Zaleski, G Zanetti
Journal of computational physics 113 (1), 134-147, 1994
Volume-of-fluid interface tracking with smoothed surface stress methods for three-dimensional flows
D Gueyffier, J Li, A Nadim, R Scardovelli, S Zaleski
Journal of Computational physics 152 (2), 423-456, 1999
Scaling of hard thermal turbulence in Rayleigh-Bénard convection
B Castaing, G Gunaratne, F Heslot, L Kadanoff, A Libchaber, S Thomae, ...
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 204, 1-30, 1989
Direct numerical simulations of gas–liquid multiphase flows
G Tryggvason, R Scardovelli, S Zaleski
Cambridge university press, 2011
Lattice-gas cellular automata
DH Rothman, S Zaleski
Lattice-Gas Cellular Automata, 319, 2004
A front‐tracking algorithm for accurate representation of surface tension
S Popinet, S Zaleski
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 30 (6), 775-793, 1999
Drop dynamics after impact on a solid wall: theory and simulations
J Eggers, MA Fontelos, C Josserand, S Zaleski
Physics of fluids 22 (6), 2010
Droplet splashing on a thin liquid film
C Josserand, S Zaleski
Physics of fluids 15 (6), 1650-1657, 2003
Lattice-gas models of phase separation: interfaces, phase transitions, and multiphase flow
DH Rothman, S Zaleski
Reviews of Modern Physics 66 (4), 1417, 1994
Interface reconstruction with least‐square fit and split Eulerian–Lagrangian advection
R Scardovelli, S Zaleski
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 41 (3), 251-274, 2003
Analytical relations connecting linear interfaces and volume fractions in rectangular grids
R Scardovelli, S Zaleski
Journal of Computational Physics 164 (1), 228-237, 2000
Simulation of primary atomization with an octree adaptive mesh refinement and VOF method
D Fuster, A Bagué, T Boeck, L Le Moyne, A Leboissetier, S Popinet, ...
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 35 (6), 550-565, 2009
A mesh-dependent model for applying dynamic contact angles to VOF simulations
S Afkhami, S Zaleski, M Bussmann
Journal of computational physics 228 (15), 5370-5389, 2009
Interface reconstruction with least-squares fit and split advection in three-dimensional Cartesian geometry
E Aulisa, S Manservisi, R Scardovelli, S Zaleski
Journal of Computational Physics 225 (2), 2301-2319, 2007
Jet formation in bubbles bursting at a free surface
L Duchemin, S Popinet, C Josserand, S Zaleski
Physics of fluids 14 (9), 3000-3008, 2002
Bubble collapse near a solid boundary: a numerical study of the influence of viscosity
S Popinet, S Zaleski
Journal of fluid mechanics 464, 137-163, 2002
Order and complexity in the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky model of weakly turbulent interfaces
JM Hyman, B Nicolaenko, S Zaleski
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 23 (1-3), 265-292, 1986
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Articles 1–20