Silvana Gómez Meire
Silvana Gómez Meire
Profesor de Redes de Computadoras, Universidad de Vigo
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Cited by
Assuring the authenticity of northwest Spain white wine varieties using machine learning techniques
S Gómez-Meire, C Campos, E Falqué, F Díaz, F Fdez-Riverola
Food Research International 60, 230-240, 2014
A hybrid artificial intelligence model for river flow forecasting
CHF Toro, SG Meire, JF Gálvez, F Fdez-Riverola
Applied Soft Computing 13 (8), 3449-3458, 2013
Active and assisted living ecosystem for the elderly
I Marcelino, R Laza, P Domingues, S Gómez-Meire, F Fdez-Riverola, ...
Sensors 18 (4), 1246, 2018
Proteomics analysis of the peritoneal dialysate effluent reveals the presence of calcium-regulation proteins and acute inflammatory response
E Oliveira, JE Araújo, S Gómez-Meire, C Lodeiro, C Perez-Melon, ...
Clinical proteomics 11, 1-8, 2014
Speeding up the screening of steroids in urine: Development of a user-friendly library
M Galesio, H López-Fdez, M Reboiro-Jato, S Gómez-Meire, D Glez-Peña, ...
Steroids 78 (12-13), 1226-1232, 2013
Using variable precision rough set for selection and classification of biological knowledge integrated in DNA gene expression
D Calvo-Dmgz, JF Gálvez, D Glez-Peña, S Gómez-Meire, F Fdez-Riverola
Journal of integrative bioinformatics 9 (3), 1-17, 2012
Enhancing representation in the context of multiple-channel spam filtering
M Novo-Loures, D Ruano-Ordas, R Pavon, R Laza, S Gomez-Meire, ...
Information Processing & Management 59 (2), 102812, 2022
A practical approach to protect IoT devices against attacks and compile security incident datasets
B Cruz, S Gomez-Meire, D Ruano-Ordás, H Janicke, I Yevseyeva, ...
Scientific Programming 2019 (1), 9067512, 2019
Ambient intelligence-software and applications
A Mohamed, P Novais, A Pereira, GV González, AF Caballero
Springer International Publishing, 2015
eServices-Service Platform for Pervasive Elderly Care
I Marcelino, R Laza, P Domingues, S Gómez-Meire, A Pereira
Ambient Intelligence-Software and Applications: 6th International Symposium …, 2015
Automatic knowledge exchange between ontologies and semantic graphs
GR Roldán-Molina, I Yevseyeva, S Gómez-Meire, V Basto-Fernandes, ...
Journal of Information Science, 01655515221137874, 2022
Sketch arm, custom closets rapid prototyping system
I Rodríguez, S Gómez-Meire, E Barreiro, J Rodeiro, C Campos
Procedia Computer Science 18, 986-995, 2013
Resumen de Tesis: Transcripción de música polifónica para piano basada en la resolución de grupos de notas y estados finitos
S Gómez-Meire
Inteligencia Artificial. Revista Iberoamericana de Inteligencia Artificial …, 2010
Multi-objective evolutionary optimization for dimensionality reduction of texts represented by synsets
IV de Mendizabal, V Basto-Fernandes, E Ezpeleta, JR Méndez, ...
PeerJ Computer Science 9, e1240, 2023
Enzymatic protein digests do not assist in E. coli discrimination at the strain level using mass spectrometry
RJ Carreira, JD Nunes-Miranda, A Gonçalves, G Igrejas, P Poeta, ...
Journal of Integrated OMICS 3 (1), 44-50, 2013
Using Live Spam Beater (LiSB) Framework for Spam Filtering during SMTP Transactions
S Gómez-Meire, CG Márquez, EP Aray-Cappello, JR Méndez
Applied Sciences 12 (20), 10491, 2022
Solución tecnolóxica para PREVIN-MAT
FJ Ribadas Pena, S Gómez Meire, E Barreiro Alonso, I Fernández Mariño, ...
Informática, 2020
Sistema integral de prototipado rápido de armarios basado en interfaces de usuario avanzadas y en algoritmos de optimización combinatoria para la síntesis automática de …
IR Conde
Universidade de Vigo, 2015
Katmus: aplicación específica de soporte al proceso de transcipción musical asistido
OG Feal, SG Meire, D Olivieri
Novática: Revista de la Asociación de Técnicos de Informática, 65-70, 2011
A robust algorithm for forming note complexes
S Gomez-Meire, M Reboiro-Jato, CH Fajardo, D Olivieri, F Fdez-Riverola
Inteligencia Artificial. Revista Iberoamericana de Inteligencia Artificial …, 2010
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Articles 1–20