Professeur des universités | Full Professor | CYU Cergy Paris Université | Satie Laboratory
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Modification in rotor pole geometry of mutually coupled switched reluctance machine for torque ripple mitigating
G Li, J Ojeda, S Hlioui, E Hoang, M Lecrivain, M Gabsi
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 48 (6), 2025-2034, 2011
3-D formal resolution of Maxwell equations for the computation of the no-load flux in an axial flux permanent-magnet synchronous machine
O de La Barrière, S Hlioui, HB Ahmed, M Gabsi, M LoBue
IEEE transactions on magnetics 48 (1), 128-136, 2011
A new parallel double excitation synchronous machine
B Nedjar, S Hlioui, Y Amara, L Vido, M Gabsi, M Lecrivain
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 47 (9), 2252-2260, 2011
Comparison of open circuit flux control capability of a series double excitation machine and a parallel double excitation machine
Y Amara, S Hlioui, R Belfkira, G Barakat, M Gabsi
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 60 (9), 4194-4207, 2011
Comparative study of switched reluctance motors performances for two current distributions and excitation modes
GJ Li, X Ojeda, S Hlioui, E Hoang, M Gabsi, C Balpe
2009 35th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics, 4047-4052, 2009
Overview of hybrid excitation synchronous machines technology
S Hlioui, Y Amara, E Hoang, M Lecrivain, M Gabsi
2013 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Software …, 2013
Hybrid excitation synchronous permanent magnets synchronous machines optimally designed for hybrid and full electrical vehicle
E Hoang, M Lécrivain, S Hlioui, M Gabsi
8th International Conference on Power Electronics-ECCE Asia, 153-160, 2011
Design optimization of a hybrid-excited flux-switching machine for aircraft-safe DC power generation using a diode bridge rectifier
A Nasr, S Hlioui, M Gabsi, M Mairie, D Lalevee
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 64 (12), 9896-9904, 2017
An analytical model for the computation of no-load eddy-current losses in the rotor of a permanent magnet synchronous machine
O de La Barriere, S Hlioui, HB Ahmed, M Gabsi
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 52 (6), 1-13, 2013
Experimental comparison of lamination material case of switching flux synchronous machine with hybrid excitation
E Hoang, S Hlioui, M Lécrivain, M Gabsi
2009 13th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, 1-7, 2009
Power capability of hybrid excited synchronous motors in variable speed drives applications
Y Amara, S Hlioui, HB Ahmed, M Gabsi
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 55 (8), 1-12, 2019
Study of a hybrid excitation synchronous machine: Modeling and experimental validation
S Asfirane, S Hlioui, Y Amara, M Gabsi
Mathematical and computational applications 24 (2), 34, 2019
Hybrid excited synchronous machines
S Hlioui, M Gabsi, HB Ahmed, G Barakat, Y Amara, F Chabour, ...
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 58 (2), 1-10, 2021
Investigation of a new topology of hybrid-excited flux-switching machine with static global winding: Experiments and modeling
A Dupas, S Hlioui, E Hoang, M Gabsi, M Lecrivain
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 52 (2), 1413-1421, 2015
Development of a hybrid analytical model for a fast computation of magnetic losses and optimization of coaxial magnetic gears
M Desvaux, S Sire, S Hlioui, HB Ahmed, B Multon
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 34 (1), 25-35, 2018
Three-dimensional analytical modeling of a permanent-magnet linear actuator with circular magnets
O de La Barrière, S Hlioui, HB Ahmed, M Gabsi, M LoBue
IEEE transactions on magnetics 46 (9), 3608-3616, 2010
PM and hybrid excitation synchronous machines: Performances comparison
S Hlioui, L Vido, Y Amara, M Gabsi, M Lecrivain, A Miraoui
2008 18th International Conference on Electrical Machines, 1-6, 2008
Global quantities computation using mesh-based generated reluctance networks
S Asfirane, S Hlioui, Y Amara, O De La Barriere, G Barakat, M Gabsi
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 54 (11), 1-4, 2018
Magnetic equivalent circuit model of a hybrid excitation synchronous machine
S Hlioui, L Vido, Y Amara, M Gabsi, A Miraoui, M Lécrivain
COMPEL-The international journal for computation and mathematics in …, 2008
Multi-material topology optimization using Wachspress interpolations for designing a 3-phase electrical machine stator
T Cherrière, L Laurent, S Hlioui, F Louf, P Duysinx, C Geuzaine, ...
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 65 (12), 352, 2022
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Articles 1–20