Alfonso Pérez Escudero
Alfonso Pérez Escudero
Research Center on Animal Cognition, CNRS and Université Toulouse III
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idTracker: tracking individuals in a group by automatic identification of unmarked animals
A Pérez-Escudero, J Vicente-Page, RC Hinz, S Arganda, ...
Nature methods 11 (7), 743-748, 2014
Automated image-based tracking and its application in ecology
AI Dell, JA Bender, K Branson, ID Couzin, GG de Polavieja, LPJJ Noldus, ...
Trends in ecology & evolution 29 (7), 417-428, 2014
Corneal biomechanical changes after collagen cross-linking from porcine eye inflation experiments
S Kling, L Remon, A Pérez-Escudero, J Merayo-Lloves, S Marcos
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 51 (8), 3961-3968, 2010
A common rule for decision making in animal collectives across species
S Arganda, A Pérez-Escudero, GG de Polavieja
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (50), 20508-20513, 2012
Collective Animal Behavior from Bayesian Estimation and Probability Matching
A Pérez-Escudero, GG de Polavieja
PLoS Computational Biology 7 (11), e1002282, 2011
Disentangling and modeling interactions in fish with burst-and-coast swimming reveal distinct alignment and attraction behaviors
DS Calovi, A Litchinko, V Lecheval, U Lopez, A Pérez Escudero, H Chaté, ...
PLoS computational biology 14 (1), e1005933, 2018
Minor influence of myopic laser in situ keratomileusis on the posterior corneal surface
A Pérez-Escudero, C Dorronsoro, L Sawides, L Remón, J Merayo-Lloves, ...
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 50 (9), 4146-4154, 2009
Memory inception and preservation in slime moulds: the quest for a common mechanism
A Boussard, J Delescluse, A Pérez-Escudero, A Dussutour
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 374 (1774), 20180368, 2019
Optimally wired subnetwork determines neuroanatomy of Caenorhabditis elegans
A Pérez-Escudero, GG de Polavieja
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (43), 17180-17185, 2007
Structure of deviations from optimality in biological systems
A Pérez-Escudero, M Rivera-Alba, GG De Polavieja
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (48), 20544, 2009
Correlation between radius and asphericity in surfaces fitted by conics
A Pérez-Escudero, C Dorronsoro, S Marcos
JOSA A 27 (7), 1541-1548, 2010
Phenotypic variability in unicellular organisms: from calcium signalling to social behaviour
D Vogel, SC Nicolis, A Perez-Escudero, V Nanjundiah, DJT Sumpter, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282 (1819), 20152322, 2015
Asymmetric migration decreases stability but increases resilience in a heterogeneous metapopulation
A Limdi, A Pérez-Escudero, A Li, J Gore
Nature Communications 9 (1), 2969, 2018
European sea bass show behavioural resilience to near-future ocean acidification
M Duteil, EC Pope, A Pérez-Escudero, GG de Polavieja, I Fürtbauer, ...
Royal Society Open Science 3 (11), 160656, 2016
Histone H4 acetylation regulates behavioral inter-individual variability in zebrafish
AC Román, J Vicente-Page, A Pérez-Escudero, JM Carvajal-González, ...
Genome biology 19, 1-21, 2018
Adversity magnifies the importance of social information in decision-making
A Pérez-Escudero, GG de Polavieja
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 14 (136), 20170748, 2017
Dynamic choices are most accurate in small groups
J Vicente-Page, A Pérez-Escudero, GG de Polavieja
Theoretical Ecology 11, 71-81, 2018
Estimation models describe well collective decisions among three options
A Pérez-Escudero, N Miller, AT Hartnett, S Garnier, ID Couzin, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (37), E3466-E3467, 2013
Inversion of pheromone preference optimizes foraging in C. elegans
M Dal Bello, A Pérez-Escudero, FC Schroeder, J Gore
Elife 10, e58144, 2021
A new method to increase ultrafiltration in peritoneal dialysis: Steady Concentration Peritoneal Dialysis
V Pérez-Díaz, A Pérez-Escudero, S Sanz-Ballesteros, ...
Peritoneal Dialysis International 36 (5), 555-561, 2016
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