Florent Hivert
Florent Hivert
professeur d'informatique, LRI, Université Paris Sud
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Noncommutative symmetric functions VI: free quasi-symmetric functions and related algebras
G Duchamp, F Hivert, JY Thibon
International Journal of Algebra and computation 12 (05), 671-717, 2002
The algebra of binary search trees
F Hivert, JC Novelli, JY Thibon
Theoretical Computer Science 339 (1), 129-165, 2005
Hecke algebras, difference operators, and quasi-symmetric functions
F Hivert
Advances in Mathematics 155 (2), 181-238, 2000
Commutative combinatorial Hopf algebras
F Hivert, JC Novelli, JY Thibon
Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 28, 65-95, 2008
MuPAD-Combinat, an open-source package for research in algebraic combinatorics.
F Hivert, NM Thiéry
Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire [electronic only] 51, s51thiery. pdf, 2004
The chinese monoid
J Cassaigne, M Espie, D Krob, JC Novelli, F Hivert
International Journal of Algebra and Computation 11 (03), 301-334, 2001
On the representation theory of finite J-trivial monoids
T Denton, F Hivert, A Schilling, NM Thiéry
arXiv preprint arXiv:1010.3455, 2010
Exploring the tree of numerical semigroups
J Fromentin, F Hivert
Mathematics of Computation 85 (301), 2553-2568, 2016
Noncommutative symmetric functions VII: free quasi-symmetric functions revisited
GHE Duchamp, F Hivert, JC Novelli, JY Thibon
Annals of combinatorics 15, 655-673, 2011
The peak algebra and the Hecke–Clifford algebras at q= 0
N Bergeron, F Hivert, JY Thibon
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 107 (1), 1-19, 2004
Combinatoire des fonctions quasi-symétriques
F Hivert
These de Doctorat, Marne-La-Vallée, 1999
Un analogue du monoıde plaxique pour les arbres binaires de recherche
F Hivert, JC Novelli, JY Thibon
Comptes Rendus Mathematique 335 (7), 577-580, 2002
Trees, functional equations, and combinatorial Hopf algebras
F Hivert, JC Novelli, JY Thibon
European Journal of Combinatorics 29 (7), 1682-1695, 2008
Yang–Baxter bases of 0-Hecke algebras and representation theory of 0-Ariki–Koike–Shoji algebras
F Hivert, JC Novelli, JY Thibon
Advances in Mathematics 205 (2), 504-548, 2006
An operational calculus for the mould operad
F Chapoton, F Hivert, JC Novelli, JY Thibon
International Mathematics Research Notices 2008 (9), rnn018-rnn018, 2008
The Hecke group algebra of a Coxeter group and its representation theory
F Hivert, NM Thiéry
Journal of Algebra 321 (8), 2230-2258, 2009
An Introduction to Combinatorial Hopf Algebras-—Examples and realizations—
F Hivert
Physics and theoretical computer science, 253-274, 2006
Hecke group algebras as quotients of affine Hecke algebras at level 0
F Hivert, A Schilling, NM Thiéry
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 116 (4), 844-863, 2009
Permutation statistics related to a class of noncommutative symmetric functions and generalizations of the Genocchi numbers
F Hivert, JC Novelli, L Tevlin, JY Thibon
Selecta Mathematica 15, 105-119, 2009
On the distribution of surface extrema in several one-and two-dimensional random landscapes
F Hivert, S Nechaev, G Oshanin, O Vasilyev
Journal of Statistical Physics 126, 243-279, 2007
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