Sergio Montero
Sergio Montero
Other namesSergio Montero-Muñoz
Associate Professor of Geography & Planning, University of Toronto
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Cited by
Cited by
Worlding Bogotá's Ciclovía: From Urban Experiment to International "Best Practice"
S Montero
Latin American Perspectives 44 (2), 111-131, 2017
Leveraging Bogotá: Sustainable development, Global Philanthropy and the Rise of Urban Solutionism
S Montero
Urban Studies 57 (11), 2263-2281, 2020
Innovation in the Green Economy: An extension of the regional innovation system model?
K Chapple, C Kroll, TW Lester, S Montero
Economic Development Quarterly 25 (1), 5-25, 2011
Study Tours and Inter-City Policy Learning: Mobilizing Bogotá's Transportation Policies in Guadalajara
S Montero
Environment & Planning A 49 (2), 332-350, 2017
Expert-citizens: Producing and contesting sustainable mobility policy in Mexican cities
O Sosa López, S Montero
Journal of Transport Geography 67, 137-144, 2018
From learning to fragile governance: Regional economic development in rural Peru
K Chapple, S Montero
Journal of Rural Studies 44, 143-152, 2016
Persuasive Practitioners and the Art of Simplification: Mobilizing the "Bogotá Model" through Storytelling
S Montero
Novos Estudos CEBRAP 36 (1), 59-75, 2017
Latin America and policy diffusion: From import to export
OP de Oliveira, CO Gonnet, S Montero, CK da Silva Leite
Routledge, 2019
A posteriori comparisons, repeated instances and urban policy mobilities: What ‘best practices’ leave behind
S Montero, G Baiocchi
Urban Studies 59 (8), 1536-1555, 2022
Pushing regional studies beyond its borders
J Harrison, M Delgado, B Derudder, I Anguelovski, S Montero, D Bailey, ...
Regional Studies 54 (1), 129-139, 2020
Gobernanza y Planeación Regional en América Latina
S Montero
Estudios Jaliscienses 101, 6-19, 2015
California workforce education and training needs assessment for energy efficiency, distributed generation, and demand response
C Zabin, K Chapple, E Avis, J Halpern-Finnerty, TW Lester, S Montero, ...
Institute for Research on Labor and Employment. Retrieved from http://www …, 2011
Fragile Governance and Local Economic Development: Theory and Evidence from Peripheral Regions in Latin America
S Montero, K Chapple
Routledge, 2018
San Francisco Through Bogotá’s Eyes: Leveraging Urban Policy Change Through the Circulation of Media Objects
S Montero
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 42 (5), 751-768, 2018
Asociatividad, liderazgo inclusivo y desarrollo económico local: El Grupo de Artesanos Independientes de Mompox.
S Montero, N Calderón
Bitácora Urbano Territorial 30 (1), 193-204, 2020
Evolving regionalismos: latin American regions in the 21st century (editorial introduction)
K Chapple, S Montero, O Sosa
Mobilizing legal expertise in and against cities: urban planning amidst increased legal action in Bogotá
L Sotomayor, S Montero, N Ángel-Cabo
Urban Geography 44 (3), 447-469, 2023
Hacia Ciudades Incluyentes: El ODS 11 y el Reto de la Segregación Socio-Espacial en América Latina
MJ Álvarez-Rivadulla, S Montero, S Villamizar
CODS-Universidad de los Andes, 2019
Repensando el desarrollo económico local desde Colombia
S Montero
Ediciones Uniandes, 2021
Promotion of recreational walking: Case study of the Ciclovía-Recreativa of Bogotá
OL Sarmiento, C Pedraza, CA Triana, DP Díaz, SA González, S Montero
Walking 9, 275-286, 2017
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Articles 1–20