Mykola Isaiev
Mykola Isaiev
LEMTA (UMR 7563), CNRS, Universite de Lorraine
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Amorphization and reduction of thermal conductivity in porous silicon by irradiation with swift heavy ions
PJ Newby, B Canut, JM Bluet, S Gomes, M Isaiev, R Burbelo, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 114 (1), 2013
Efficient tuning of potential parameters for liquid–solid interactions
M Isaiev, S Burian, L Bulavin, M Gradeck, F Lemoine, K Termentzidis
Molecular Simulation 42 (11), 910-915, 2016
Impact of screw and edge dislocations on the thermal conductivity of individual nanowires and bulk GaN: A molecular dynamics study
K Termentzidis, M Isaiev, A Salnikova, I Belabbas, D Lacroix, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20 (7), 5159-5172, 2018
Size dependence of the surface tension of a free surface of an isotropic fluid
S Burian, M Isaiev, K Termentzidis, V Sysoev, L Bulavin
Physical review E 95 (6), 062801, 2017
Photoacoustic characterization of nanowire arrays formed by metal-assisted chemical etching of crystalline silicon substrates with different doping level
P Lishchuk, M Isaiev, L Osminkina, R Burbelo, T Nychyporuk, ...
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 107, 131-136, 2019
Investigation of thermal transport properties of porous silicon by photoacoustic technique
P Lishchuk, D Andrusenko, M Isaiev, V Lysenko, R Burbelo
International Journal of Thermophysics 36, 2428-2433, 2015
Anisotropic heat conduction in silicon nanowire network revealed by Raman scattering
M Isaiev, O Didukh, T Nychyporuk, V Timoshenko, V Lysenko
Applied Physics Letters 110 (1), 2017
Raman diagnostics of photoinduced heating of silicon nanowires prepared by metal-assisted chemical etching
SP Rodichkina, LA Osminkina, M Isaiev, AV Pavlikov, AV Zoteev, ...
Applied Physics B 121, 337-344, 2015
Thermal conductivity of strained silicon: Molecular dynamics insight and kinetic theory approach
V Kuryliuk, O Nepochatyi, P Chantrenne, D Lacroix, M Isaiev
Journal of Applied Physics 126 (5), 2019
Thermal conductivity of silicon nanomaterials measured using the photoacoustic technique in a piezoelectric configuration
K Dubyk, A Pastushenko, T Nychyporuk, R Burbelo, M Isaiev, V Lysenko
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 126, 267-273, 2019
Thermal conductivity of meso-porous germanium
M Isaiev, S Tutashkonko, V Jean, K Termentzidis, T Nychyporuk, ...
Applied Physics Letters 105 (3), 2014
Photoacoustic effects in nanocomposite structure ‘porous silicon-liquid’
D Andrusenko, M Isaiev, A Kuzmich, V Lysenko, R Burbelo
Nanoscale research letters 7 (1), 411, 2012
Features of photothermal transformation in porous silicon based multilayered structures
K Dubyk, L Chepela, P Lishchuk, A Belarouci, D Lacroix, M Isaiev
Applied Physics Letters 115 (2), 2019
Thermal conductivity of partially amorphous porous silicon by photoacoustic technique
M Isaiev, PJ Newby, B Canut, A Tytarenko, P Lishchuk, D Andrusenko, ...
Materials Letters 128, 71-74, 2014
Laser Photoacoustic Diagnostics of Advanced Materials With Different Structure and Dimensions
R Burbelo, D Andrusenko, M Isaiev, A Kuzmich
Archives of Metallurgy and Materials 56 (4), 1157-1162, 2011
Application of the photoacoustic approach in the characterization of nanostructured materials
M Isaiev, G Mussabek, P Lishchuk, K Dubyk, N Zhylkybayeva, ...
Nanomaterials 12 (4), 708, 2022
Interfacial thermal resistance between porous layers: Impact on thermal conductivity of a multilayered porous structure
P Lishchuk, A Dekret, A Pastushenko, A Kuzmich, R Burbelo, A Belarouci, ...
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 134, 317-320, 2018
Size evaluation of the fine morphological features of porous nanostructures from the perturbation of heat transfer by a pore filling agent
D Andrusenko, M Isaiev, A Tytarenko, V Lysenko, R Burbelo
Microporous and mesoporous materials 194, 79-82, 2014
Gibbs adsorption impact on a nanodroplet shape: Modification of Young–Laplace equation
M Isaiev, S Burian, L Bulavin, W Chaze, M Gradeck, G Castanet, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 122 (12), 3176-3183, 2018
Photoacoustic thermal conductivity determination of layered structures PS-Si: piezoelectric detection
S Alekseev, D Andrusenko, R Burbelo, M Isaiev, A Kuzmich
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 278 (1), 012003, 2011
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Articles 1–20