Amadeu Delshams
Amadeu Delshams
Professor of Applied Mathematics, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
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Effective stability for a Hamiltonian system near an elliptic equilibrium point, with an application to the restricted three body problem
A Giorgilli, A Delshams, E Fontich, L Galgani, C Simó
Journal of differential equations 77 (1), 167-198, 1989
A Geometric Mechanism for Diffusion in Hamiltonian Systems Overcoming the Large Gap Problem: Heuristics and Rigorous Verification on a Model: Heuristics and Rigorous …
A Delshams, R De la Llave, TM Seara
American Mathematical Soc. 179 (844), 2006
An asymptotic expression for the splitting of separatrices of the rapidly forced pendulum
A Delshams, TM Seara
A Geometric Approach to the Existence of Orbits with Unbounded Energy in Generic Periodic Perturbations by a Potential of Generic Geodesic Flows of ?2}
A Delshams, R De la Llave, TM Seara
Communications in Mathematical Physics 209, 353-392, 2000
Geometric properties of the scattering map of a normally hyperbolic invariant manifold
A Delshams, R De La Llave, TM Seara
Advances in Mathematics 217 (3), 1096-1153, 2008
Exponentially small splitting of separatrices under fast quasiperiodic forcing
A Delshams, V Gelfreich, A Jorba, TM Seara
Communications in mathematical physics 189, 35-71, 1997
KAM theory and a partial justification of Greene's criterion for nontwist maps
A Delshams, R De La Llave
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 31 (6), 1235-1269, 2000
Effective stability and KAM theory
A Delshams, P Gutiérrez
journal of differential equations 128 (2), 415-490, 1996
Splitting potential and the Poincaré-Melnikov method for whiskered tori in Hamiltonian systems
A Delshams, P Gutiérrez
Journal of Nonlinear Science 10, 433-476, 2000
Poincaré-Melnikov-Arnold method for analytic planar maps
A Delshams, R Ramírez-Ros
Nonlinearity 9 (1), 1, 1996
Splitting of separatrices in Hamiltonian systems with one and a half degrees of freedom
A Delshams, TM Seara
Math. Phys. Electron. J. 3 (1), 1-40, 1997
Geography of resonances and Arnold diffusion in a priori unstable Hamiltonian systems
A Delshams, G Huguet
Nonlinearity 22 (8), 1997, 2009
Melnikov potential for exact symplectic maps
A Delshams, R Ramírez-Ros
Communications in mathematical physics 190, 213-245, 1997
Orbits of unbounded energy in quasi-periodic perturbations of geodesic flows
A Delshams, R de la Llave, TM Seara
Advances in Mathematics 202 (1), 64-188, 2006
Abundance of attracting, repelling and elliptic periodic orbits in two-dimensional reversible maps
A Delshams, SV Gonchenko, VS Gonchenko, JT Lázaro, O Sten'Kin
Nonlinearity 26 (1), 1, 2012
Estimates on invariant tori near an elliptic equilibrium point of a Hamiltonian system
A Delshams, P Gutiérrez
journal of differential equations 131 (2), 277-303, 1996
Exponentially small splitting of separatrices for perturbed integrable standard-like maps
A Delshams, R Ramírez-Ros
Journal of Nonlinear Science 8 (3), 317-352, 1998
Global instability in the restricted planar elliptic three body problem
A Delshams, V Kaloshin, A de la Rosa, TM Seara
Communications in Mathematical Physics 366 (3), 1173-1228, 2019
Examples of integrable and non-integrable systems on singular symplectic manifolds
A Delshams, A Kiesenhofer, E Miranda
Journal of Geometry and Physics 115, 89-97, 2017
Geometric approaches to the problem of instability in Hamiltonian systems. An informal presentation
A Delshams, M Gidea, R de la Llave, TM Seara
Hamiltonian dynamical systems and applications, 285-336, 2008
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Articles 1–20