Ramon Ziai
Ramon Ziai
Principal NLP Engineer at bettermarks & Research Affiliate at University of Tübingen
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Enhancing authentic web pages for language learners
D Meurers, R Ziai, L Amaral, A Boyd, A Dimitrov, V Metcalf, N Ott
Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Fifth Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP …, 2010
Evaluating answers to reading comprehension questions in context: Results for German and the role of information structure
D Meurers, R Ziai, N Ott, J Kopp
Proceedings of the TextInfer 2011 workshop on textual entailment, 1-9, 2011
Scaling up intervention studies to investigate real-life foreign language learning in school
D Meurers, K De Kuthy, F Nuxoll, B Rudzewitz, R Ziai
Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 39, 161-188, 2019
Analyzing learner language: towards a flexible natural language processing architecture for intelligent language tutors
L Amaral, D Meurers, R Ziai
Computer Assisted Language Learning 24 (1), 1-16, 2011
Short answer assessment: Establishing links between research strands
R Ziai, N Ott, D Meurers
Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Building Educational Applications …, 2012
Integrating parallel analysis modules to evaluate the meaning of answers to reading comprehension questions
D Meurers, R Ziai, N Ott, SM Bailey
International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life Long …, 2011
Creation and analysis of a reading comprehension exercise corpus
N Ott, R Ziai, D Meurers
Multilingual corpora and multilingual corpus analysis 14, 47, 2012
Evaluating dependency parsing performance on German learner language
N Ott, R Ziai
Proceedings of the ninth international workshop on treebanks and linguistic …, 2010
CoMeT: Integrating different levels of linguistic modeling for meaning assessment
N Ott, R Ziai, M Hahn, D Meurers
Second Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (* SEM …, 2013
Developing a web-based workbook for English supporting the interaction of students and teachers
B Rudzewitz, R Ziai, K De Kuthy, D Meurers
Proceedings of the joint workshop on NLP for Computer Assisted Language …, 2017
Is getting the right answer just about choosing the right words? The role of syntactically-informed features in short answer scoring
D Higgins, C Brew, M Heilman, R Ziai, L Chen, A Cahill, M Flor, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1403.0801, 2014
The SACODEYL search tool–exploiting corpora for language learning purposes
J Widmann, K Kohn, R Ziai
New trends in corpora and language learning, 167-78, 2011
Generating feedback for English foreign language exercises
B Rudzewitz, R Ziai, K De Kuthy, V Möller, F Nuxoll, D Meurers
Proceedings of the thirteenth workshop on innovative use of NLP for building …, 2018
Compiling a task-based corpus for the analysis of learner language in context
D Meurers, N Ott, R Ziai
Proceedings of Linguistic Evidence. Tübingen 214, 217, 2010
Digitale Differenzierung benötigt Informationen zu Sprache, Aufgabe und Lerner
D Meurers, K De Kuthy, V Möller, F Nuxoll, B Rudzewitz, R Ziai
Zur Generierung von individuellem Feedback in einem interaktiven Arbeitsheft …, 2018
Focus annotation in reading comprehension data
R Ziai, D Meurers
Proceedings of LAW VIII-The 8th Linguistic Annotation Workshop, 159-168, 2014
Artificial intelligence in history education. Linguistic content and complexity analyses of student writings in the CAHisT project (Computational assessment of historical thinking)
C Bertram, Z Weiss, L Zachrich, R Ziai
Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 100038, 2021
Enhancing a Web-based Language Tutoring System with Learning Analytics.
B Rudzewitz, R Ziai, F Nuxoll, K De Kuthy, D Meurers
EDM (Workshops), 1-7, 2019
Automatic focus annotation: Bringing formal pragmatics alive in analyzing the Information Structure of authentic data
R Ziai, D Meurers
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the North American Chapter of the …, 2018
Feedback strategies for form and meaning in a real-life language tutoring system
R Ziai, B Rudzewitz, K De Kuthy, F Nuxoll, D Meurers
Proceedings of the 7th workshop on NLP for Computer Assisted Language …, 2018
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Articles 1–20