Luis Barbero
Luis Barbero
Past: Queen's University of Belfast, The University of Edinburgh
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Fixing the complexity of the sphere decoder for MIMO detection
LG Barbero, JS Thompson
IEEE Transactions on Wireless communications 7 (6), 2131-2142, 2008
A fixed-complexity MIMO detector based on the complex sphere decoder
LG Barbero, JS Thompson
2006 IEEE 7th Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless …, 2006
Extending a fixed-complexity sphere decoder to obtain likelihood information for turbo-MIMO systems
LG Barbero, JS Thompson
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 57 (5), 2804-2814, 2008
Rapid prototyping of a fixed-throughput sphere decoder for MIMO systems
LG Barbero, JS Thompson
2006 IEEE International Conference on Communications 7, 3082-3087, 2006
The error probability of the fixed-complexity sphere decoder
J Jaldén, LG Barbero, B Ottersten, JS Thompson
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 57 (7), 2711-2720, 2009
Performance analysis of a fixed-complexity sphere decoder in high-dimensional MIMO systems
LG Barbero, JS Thompson
2006 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing …, 2006
A low-complexity soft-MIMO detector based on the fixed-complexity sphere decoder
LG Barbero, T Ratnarajah, C Cowan
2008 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2008
Full diversity detection in MIMO systems with a fixed-complexity sphere decoder
J Jaldén, LG Barbero, B Ottersten, JS Thompson
2007 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2007
Performance of the complex sphere decoder in spatially correlated MIMO channels
LG Barbero, JS Thompson
IET communications 1 (1), 122-130, 2007
FPGA design considerations in the implementation of a fixed-throughput sphere decoder for MIMO systems
LG Barbero, JS Thompson
2006 International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications, 1-6, 2006
Rapid prototyping of Clarkson's lattice reduction for MIMO detection
LG Barbero, DL Milliner, T Ratnarajah, JR Barry, C Cowan
2009 IEEE International Conference on Communications, 1-5, 2009
A comparison of complex lattice reduction algorithms for MIMO detection
LG Barbero, T Ratnarajah, C Cowan
2008 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2008
Rapid prototyping of the sphere decoder for MIMO systems
LG Barbero, JS Thompson
IET Digital Library, 2005
A 4-stream 802.11 n baseband transceiver in 0.13 µm CMOS
A Burg, S Haene, M Borgmann, D Baum, T Thaler, F Carbognani, ...
2009 Symposium on VLSI Circuits, 282-283, 2009
Rapid prototyping of a fixed-complexity sphere decoder and its application to iterative decoding of turbo-MIMO systems
L Barbero
Edinburgh, UK: University of Edinburgh, 2006
Rapid prototyping system for the evaluation of MIMO receive algorithms
LG Barbero, JS Thompson
EUROCON 2005-The International Conference on" Computer as a Tool" 2, 1779-1782, 2005
FPGA implementation of MMSE metric based efficient near-ML detection
M Joham, LG Barbero, T Lang, W Utschick, J Thompson, T Ratnarajah
2008 International ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas, 139-146, 2008
Design and hardware implementation of a low-complexity multiuser vector precoder
M Barrenechea, L Barbero, M Mendicute, J Thompson
2010 Conference on Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing …, 2010
On the uncoded BER performance bound of the IEEE 802.16 d channel
P Xiao, LG Barbero, M Sellathurai, T Ratnarajah
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 15, 561-564, 2008
Real-time implementation of a sphere decoder-based MIMO wireless system
M Mendicute, LG Barbero, G Landaburu, JS Thompson, J Altuna, V Atxa
2006 14th European Signal Processing Conference, 1-5, 2006
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Articles 1–20