Alain Abou Khalil
Alain Abou Khalil
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Direct laser writing of a new type of waveguides in silver containing glasses
A Abou Khalil, JP Bérubé, S Danto, JC Desmoulin, T Cardinal, Y Petit, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 11124, 2017
On the femtosecond laser-induced photochemistry in silver-containing oxide glasses: mechanisms, related optical and physico-chemical properties, and technological applications
Y Petit, S Danto, T Guérineau, A Abou Khalil, A Le Camus, E Fargin, ...
Advanced Optical Technologies 7 (5), 291-309, 2018
Femtosecond laser writing of near-surface waveguides for refractive-index sensing
AA Khalil, P Lalanne, JP Bérubé, Y Petit, R Vallée, L Canioni
Optics express 27 (22), 31130-31143, 2019
Comparative study between the standard type I and the type A femtosecond laser induced refractive index change in silver containing glasses
A Abou Khalil, JP Bérubé, S Danto, T Cardinal, Y Petit, L Canioni, ...
Optical Materials Express 9 (6), 2640-2651, 2019
Photowritable Silver‐Containing Phosphate Glass Ribbon Fibers
S Danto, F Désévédavy, Y Petit, JC Desmoulin, A Abou Khalil, ...
Advanced Optical Materials 4 (1), 162-168, 2016
Dual-functionalized titanium by ultrafast laser texturing to enhance human gingival fibroblasts adhesion and minimize Porphyromonas gingivalis colonization
S Papa, A Abou Khalil, H Hamzeh-Cognasse, M Thomas, M Maalouf, ...
Applied Surface Science 606, 154784, 2022
Polarization of femtosecond laser for titanium alloy nanopatterning influences osteoblastic differentiation
M Maalouf, A Abou Khalil, Y Di Maio, S Papa, X Sedao, E Dalix, ...
Nanomaterials 12 (10), 1619, 2022
Refractive index change measurement by quantitative microscopy phase imaging for femtosecond laser written structures
A Abou Khalil, W Gebremichael, Y Petit, L Canioni
Optics Communications 485, 126731, 2021
Femtosecond laser micro-patterning of optical properties and functionalities in novel photosensitive silver-containing fluorophosphate glasses
T de Castro, H Fares, A Abou Khalil, R Laberdesque, Y Petit, C Strutinski, ...
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 517, 51-56, 2019
Silver centers luminescence in phosphate glasses subjected to X‐Rays or combined X‐rays and femtosecond laser exposure
T Guérineau, F Cova, Y Petit, A Abou Khalil, A Fargues, M Dussauze, ...
International Journal of Applied Glass Science 11 (1), 15-26, 2020
Three-dimensional femtosecond laser inscription of Type A-based high-efficiency first-order waveguide Bragg gratings
R Laberdesque, L Loi, T Guérineau, AA Khalil, S Danto, T Cardinal, ...
Advanced Optical Technologies 12, 1237679, 2023
Ultrafast cylindrical vector beams for improved energy feedthrough and low roughness surface ablation of metals
D Pallarés-Aldeiturriaga, A Abou Khalil, JP Colombier, R Stoian, X Sedao
Materials 16 (1), 176, 2022
Influence of multi-wavelength ultrafast laser texturing and autoclave sterilization on titanium alloy-based surface wettability
D Pallarés-Aldeiturriaga, S Papa, A Abou Khalil, A Pascale-Hamri, ...
Applied Physics A 128 (10), 894, 2022
Fluorine and sodium depletion followed by refractive index modification imprinted on fluorophosphate glass surface by thermal poling
G Galleani, A Abou Khalil, L Canioni, M Dussauze, E Fargin, T Cardinal, ...
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 601, 122054, 2023
Direct laser writing of a new type of optical waveguides and components in silver containing glasses
A Abou Khalil
Université de Bordeaux; Université Laval (Québec, Canada), 2018
Direct laser writing of near-surface waveguides in silver containing glasses with no additional processing
AA Khalil, JP Bérubé, S Danto, T Cardinal, Y Petit, R Vallée, L Canioni
Proc. SPIE 10908, 27, 2019
Nondestructive inspection of surface nanostructuring using label-free optical super-resolution imaging
A Aguilar, AA Khalil, DP Aldeiturriaga, X Sedao, C Mauclair, P Bon
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 6008, 2023
Multi-wavelength femtosecond laser LIPSS generation on titanium alloy and comparative study of their effect on cell adhesions
A Abou Khalil, S Papa, N Compère, AP Hamri, A Guignandon, V Dumas, ...
Frontiers in Ultrafast Optics: Biomedical, Scientific, and Industrial …, 2022
Femtosecond laser writing of Fiber Bragg Grating within a PM active fiber for 1535 nm all-fiber laser demonstration
A Abou Khalil, V Freysz, K Armengaud, C Pierre, M Castaing
Bragg Gratings, Photosensitivity, and Poling in Glass Waveguides, BW2A. 5, 2024
Réalisation d'une cavité Fabry-Pérot par inscription laser directe autour d'une fibre à coeur creux: vers des applications de refroidissement des atomes alcalins
A Abou Khalil, M Berisset, L Gibert, C Pierre, MJ Milla, T Billotte, F Amrani, ...
Optique Normandie, Post02, 2024
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Articles 1–20