David Perez-Guaita
Cited by
Cited by
Synthesis and biological evaluation of dehydroabietic acid derivatives
MA Gonzalez, D Perez-Guaita, J Correa-Royero, B Zapata, L Agudelo, ...
European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 45 (2), 811-816, 2010
Simultaneous ATR-FTIR based determination of malaria parasitemia, glucose and urea in whole blood dried onto a glass slide
S Roy, D Perez-Guaita, DW Andrew, JS Richards, D McNaughton, ...
Analytical chemistry 89 (10), 5238-5245, 2017
Application of vibrational spectroscopy and imaging to point-of-care medicine: a review
S Pahlow, K Weber, J Popp, BR Wood, K Kochan, A Rüther, ...
Applied spectroscopy 72 (1_suppl), 52-84, 2018
Synchrotron macro ATR-FTIR microspectroscopy for high-resolution chemical mapping of single cells
J Vongsvivut, D Pérez-Guaita, BR Wood, P Heraud, K Khambatta, ...
Analyst 144 (10), 3226-3238, 2019
Spectroscopy goes viral: Diagnosis of hepatitis B and C virus infection from human sera using ATR-FTIR spectroscopy
S Roy, D Perez-Guaita, S Bowden, P Heraud, BR Wood
Clinical Spectroscopy 1, 100001, 2019
Multispectral atomic force microscopy-infrared nano-imaging of malaria infected red blood cells
D Perez-Guaita, K Kochan, M Batty, C Doerig, J Garcia-Bustos, ...
Analytical chemistry 90 (5), 3140-3148, 2018
In vivo atomic force microscopy–infrared spectroscopy of bacteria
K Kochan, D Perez-Guaita, J Pissang, JH Jiang, AY Peleg, ...
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 15 (140), 20180115, 2018
Infrared based saliva screening test for COVID‐19
BR Wood, K Kochan, DE Bedolla, N Salazar‐Quiroz, SL Grimley, ...
Angewandte Chemie 133 (31), 17239-17244, 2021
Protein determination in serum and whole blood by attenuated total reflectance infrared spectroscopy
D Perez-Guaita, J Ventura-Gayete, C Pérez-Rambla, M Sancho-Andreu, ...
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 404, 649-656, 2012
Infrared spectroscopy coupled to cloud-based data management as a tool to diagnose malaria: a pilot study in a malaria-endemic country
P Heraud, P Chatchawal, M Wongwattanakul, P Tippayawat, C Doerig, ...
Malaria journal 18, 1-11, 2019
Infrared-based quantification of clinical parameters
D Perez-Guaita, S Garrigues
TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry 62, 93-105, 2014
Multimodal vibrational imaging of cells
D Perez-Guaita, K Kochan, M Martin, DW Andrew, P Heraud, JS Richards, ...
Vibrational spectroscopy 91, 46-58, 2017
Towards the determination of isoprene in human breath using substrate-integrated hollow waveguide mid-infrared sensors
D Perez-Guaita, V Kokoric, A Wilk, S Garrigues, B Mizaikoff
Journal of breath research 8 (2), 026003, 2014
Direct nanospectroscopic verification of the amyloid aggregation pathway
E Lipiec, D Perez‐Guaita, J Kaderli, BR Wood, R Zenobi
Angewandte Chemie 130 (28), 8655-8660, 2018
High resolution FTIR imaging provides automated discrimination and detection of single malaria parasite infected erythrocytes on glass
D Perez-Guaita, D Andrew, P Heraud, J Beeson, D Anderson, J Richards, ...
Faraday discussions 187, 341-352, 2016
Parasites under the spotlight: applications of vibrational spectroscopy to malaria research
D Perez-Guaita, KM Marzec, A Hudson, C Evans, T Chernenko, ...
Chemical reviews 118 (11), 5330-5358, 2018
Model selection for within-batch effect correction in UPLC-MS metabolomics using quality control-Support vector regression
Á Sánchez-Illana, D Pérez-Guaita, D Cuesta-García, JD Sanjuan-Herráez, ...
Analytica chimica acta 1026, 62-68, 2018
Infrared spectroscopy of blood
K Kochan, DE Bedolla, D Perez-Guaita, JA Adegoke, ...
Applied spectroscopy 75 (6), 611-646, 2021
Short syntheses of (+)-ferruginol from (+)-dehydroabietylamine
MA González, D Pérez-Guaita
Tetrahedron 68 (47), 9612-9615, 2012
The effect of common anticoagulants in detection and quantification of malaria parasitemia in human red blood cells by ATR-FTIR spectroscopy
M Martin, D Perez-Guaita, DW Andrew, JS Richards, BR Wood, P Heraud
Analyst 142 (8), 1192-1199, 2017
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Articles 1–20