Denis Hilton
Denis Hilton
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How the past weighs on the present: Social representations of history and their role in identity politics
JH Liu, DJ Hilton
British Journal of Social Psychology 44 (4), 537-556, 2005
Conversational processes and causal explanation.
DJ Hilton
Psychological Bulletin 107 (1), 65, 1990
Knowledge-based causal attribution: The abnormal conditions focus model.
DJ Hilton, BR Slugoski
Psychological review 93 (1), 75, 1986
The social context of reasoning: Conversational inference and rational judgment.
DJ Hilton
Psychological bulletin 118 (2), 248, 1995
Judgemental overconfidence, self-monitoring, and trading performance in an experimental financial market
B Biais, D Hilton, K Mazurier, S Pouget
The Review of economic studies 72 (2), 287-312, 2005
Social representations of events and people in world history across 12 cultures
JH Liu, R Goldstein-Hawes, D Hilton, LL Huang, C Gastardo-Conaco, ...
Journal of cross-cultural psychology 36 (2), 171-191, 2005
Nudging sustainable consumption: The use of descriptive norms to promote a minority behavior in a realistic online shopping environment
C Demarque, L Charalambides, DJ Hilton, L Waroquier
Journal of Environmental Psychology 43, 166-174, 2015
Base rates, representativeness, and the logic of conversation: The contextual relevance of “irrelevant” information
N Schwarz, F Strack, D Hilton, G Naderer
Social Cognition 9 (1), 67-84, 1991
Determinants of diagnostic hypothesis generation: effects of information, base rates, and experience.
EU Weber, U Böckenholt, DJ Hilton, B Wallace
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 19 (5), 1151, 1993
Contextual effects in the interpretations of probability words: Perceived base rate and severity of events.
EU Weber, DJ Hilton
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 16 (4), 781, 1990
Conversational implicature, conscious representation, and the conjunction fallacy
DE Dulany, DJ Hilton
Social Cognition 9 (1), 85-110, 1991
The psychology of financial decision-making: Applications to trading, dealing, and investment analysis
DJ Hilton
The Journal of Psychology and Financial Markets 2 (1), 37-53, 2001
A comparison of Protestant work ethic beliefs in thirteen nations
A Furnham, M Bond, P Heaven, D Hilton, T Lobel, J Masters, M Payne, ...
The Journal of social psychology 133 (2), 185-197, 1993
Socio-demographics, implicit attitudes, explicit attitudes, and sustainable consumption in supermarket shopping
L Panzone, D Hilton, L Sale, D Cohen
Journal of Economic Psychology 55, 77-95, 2016
Mental models and causal explanation: Judgements of probable cause and explanatory relevance
DJ Hilton
Thinking & Reasoning 2 (4), 273-308, 1996
The psychology of counterfactual thinking
DR Mandel, DJ Hilton, P Catellani
Routledge, 2007
Choice preferences without inferences: Subconscious priming of risk attitudes
HP Erb, A Bioy, DJ Hilton
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 15 (3), 251-262, 2002
An agent harms a victim: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study on specific moral emotions
G Kédia, S Berthoz, M Wessa, D Hilton, JL Martinot
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 20 (10), 1788-1798, 2008
Processes of causal explanation and dispositional attribution.
DJ Hilton, RH Smith, SH Kin
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 68 (3), 377, 1995
Culture and intergroup relations: The role of social representations of history
DJ Hilton, JH Liu
Handbook of motivation and cognition across cultures, 343-368, 2008
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