Dr Marjolaine Rousselle
Dr Marjolaine Rousselle
Postdoctoral research fellow at CBGP, INRAE Montpellier, France
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Cited by
Codon Usage Bias in Animals: Disentangling the Effects of Natural Selection, Effective Population Size, and GC-Biased Gene Conversion
N Galtier, C Roux, M Rousselle, J Romiguier, E Figuet, S Glémin, ...
Molecular biology and evolution 35 (5), 1092-1103, 2018
A global catalog of whole-genome diversity from 233 primate species
LFK Kuderna, H Gao, MC Janiak, M Kuhlwilm, JD Orkin, T Bataillon, ...
Science 380 (6648), 906-913, 2023
The landscape of tolerated genetic variation in humans and primates
H Gao, T Hamp, J Ede, JG Schraiber, J McRae, M Singer-Berk, Y Yang, ...
Science 380 (6648), eabn8153, 2023
Island songbirds as windows into evolution in small populations
T Leroy, M Rousselle, MK Tilak, AE Caizergues, C Scornavacca, ...
Current Biology, 2021
Is adaptation limited by mutation? A timescale-dependent effect of genetic diversity on the adaptive substitution rate in animals
M Rousselle, P Simion, MK Tilak, E Figuet, B Nabholz, N Galtier
PLOS Genetics 16 (4), e1008668, 2020
Influence of recombination and GC-biased gene conversion on the adaptive and nonadaptive substitution rate in mammals versus birds
M Rousselle, A Laverré, E Figuet, B Nabholz, N Galtier
Molecular biology and evolution 36 (3), 458-471, 2019
Evolutionary and biomedical insights from a marmoset diploid genome assembly
C Yang, Y Zhou, S Marcus, G Formenti, LA Bergeron, Z Song, X Bi, ...
Nature 594 (7862), 227-233, 2021
Hemizygosity enhances purifying selection: lack of fast-Z evolution in two satyrine butterflies
M Rousselle, N Faivre, M Ballenghien, N Galtier, B Nabholz
Genome biology and evolution 8 (10), 3108-3119, 2016
How Much Does Ne Vary Among Species?
N Galtier, M Rousselle
Genetics 216 (2), 559-572, 2020
Overestimation of the adaptive substitution rate in fluctuating populations
M Rousselle, M Mollion, B Nabholz, T Bataillon, N Galtier
Biology letters 14 (5), 20180055, 2018
Identification of constrained sequence elements across 239 primate genomes
LFK Kuderna, JC Ulirsch, S Rashid, M Ameen, L Sundaram, G Hickey, ...
Nature 625 (7996), 735-742, 2024
Pervasive incomplete lineage sorting illuminates speciation and selection in primates
I Rivas-González, M Rousselle, F Li, L Zhou, JY Dutheil, K Munch, Y Shao, ...
Science 380 (6648), eabn4409, 2023
Sexually dimorphic gene expression and transcriptome evolution provide mixed evidence for a fast‐Z effect in Heliconius
A Pinharanda, M Rousselle, SH Martin, JJ Hanly, JW Davey, S Kumar, ...
Journal of evolutionary biology 32 (3), 194-204, 2019
Eighty million years of rapid evolution of the primate Y chromosome
Y Zhou, X Zhan, J Jin, L Zhou, J Bergman, X Li, MMC Rousselle, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 7 (7), 1114-1130, 2023
Endemic island songbirds as windows into evolution in small effective population sizes
T Leroy, M Rousselle, MK Tilak, A Caizergues, C Scornavacca, ...
bioRxiv, 2020
Estimation et analyse du taux de substitution adaptatif chez les animaux| Theses. fr
M Rousselle
Montpellier, 2018
Estimation et analyse du taux de substitution adaptatif chez les animaux
M Rousselle
Université Montpellier, 2018
Estimation et analyse du taux de substitution adaptatif chez les animaux: Estimation and analysis of the adaptive substitution rate in animals
M Rousselle
Ecole nationale superieure agronomique de Montpellier-AGRO M, 2018
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Articles 1–18