Imed Boughzala
Imed Boughzala
Dean & Professor, ENSIIE
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The shape of digital transformation: A systematic literature review
E Henriette, M Feki, I Boughzala
Digital transformation challenges
E Henriette, M Feki, I Boughzala
Evaluating team collaboration quality: The development and field application of a collaboration maturity model
I Boughzala, GJ De Vreede
Journal of Management Information Systems 32 (3), 129-157, 2015
Team collaboration in virtual worlds: Editorial to the special issue
I Boughzala, GJ de Vreede, M Limayem
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 13 (10), 6, 2012
Critical knowledge map as a decision tool for knowledge transfer actions
JL Ermine, I Boughzala, T Tounkara
Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management 4 (2), 129-140, 2006
A theoretical model of user engagement in crowdsourcing
T De Vreede, C Nguyen, GJ De Vreede, I Boughzala, O Oh, ...
Collaboration and Technology: 19th International Conference, CRIWG 2013 …, 2013
The effect of Big Data Analytics Capability on Firm Performance.
M Garmaki, I Boughzala, SF Wamba
PACIS, 301, 2016
Management des connaissances en entreprise.-2e édition revue et augmentée
I Boughzala, JL Ermine
Hermes Science publications: Lavoisier, 2007
A collaboration maturity model: Development and exploratory application
I Boughzala, GJ de Vreede
2012 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 306-315, 2012
Adaptive use of social networking applications in contemporary organizations: Examining the motivations of Gen Y cohorts
A Shirish, I Boughzala, SC Srivastava
International Journal of Information Management 36 (6), 1111-1123, 2016
Big Data Analytics-enabled Supply Chain Transformation: A Literature
M Feki, I Boughzala, SF Wamba
49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1123-1132, 2016
Big data analytics capability and contribution to firm performance: the mediating effect of organizational learning on firm performance
M Garmaki, RK Gharib, I Boughzala
Journal of Enterprise Information Management 36 (5), 1161-1184, 2023
Back to practice, a decade of research in E-government
S Assar, I Boughzala, I Boydens
Practical studies in E-government: best practices from around the world, 1-12, 2010
Ingénierie de la collaboration: théories, technologies et pratiques
I Boughzala
Hermès science publications: Lavoisier, 2007
Social media and value creation: exploring the perception of generation Y toward corporate social networking applications use
I Boughzala
Journal of Organizational and End User Computing (JOEUC) 28 (2), 107-123, 2016
Empirical evaluation of public e-procurement platforms in France
S Assar, I Boughzala
International Journal of Value Chain Management 2 (1), 90-108, 2008
Technology acceptance and actual use with mobile leraning: First stage for studying the influence of learning styles on the behavioral intention
Y Cruz, I Boughzala, S Assar
A value frequency model of knowledge sharing: an exploratory study on knowledge sharability in cross-organizational collaboration
I Boughzala, RO Briggs
Electronic Markets 22, 9-19, 2012
Understanding how Digital Intelligence Contributes to Digital Creativity and Digital Transformation: A Systematic Literature Review.
I Boughzala, M Garmaki, OC Tantan
HICSS, 1-10, 2020
E-government 2.0: Back to reality, a 2.0 application to vet
I Boughzala, M Janssen, S Assar
Case studies in E-government 2.0: Changing citizen relationships, 1-14, 2014
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Articles 1–20