Molnar Miklos
Molnar Miklos
professor in Computer Science, University Montpellier 2, IUT
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Leveraging light forest with rateless network coding to design efficient all-optical multicast schemes for elastic optical networks
L Yang, L Gong, F Zhou, B Cousin, M Molnár, Z Zhu
Journal of Lightwave Technology 33 (18), 3945-3955, 2015
Multiple constrained QoS routing with RPL
W Khallef, M Molnar, A Benslimane, S Durand
2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-6, 2017
A survey of survivability in multi-domain optical networks
H Drid, B Cousin, M Molnar, S Lahoud
Computer Communications 33 (8), 1005-1012, 2010
Dependable k-coverage algorithms for sensor networks
G Simon, M Molnar, L Gonczy, B Cousin
2007 IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Technology Conference IMTC 2007, 1-6, 2007
Avoidance of multicast incapable branching nodes for multicast routing in WDM networks
F Zhou, M Molnár, B Cousin
Photonic network communications 18, 378-392, 2009
Optimal period length for the CGS sensor network scheduling algorithm
G Bergmann, M Molnár, L Gönczy, B Cousin
2010 Sixth International Conference on Networking and Services, 192-199, 2010
An energy-efficient multiobjective scheduling model for monitoring in internet of things
B Mostafa, A Benslimane, M Saleh, S Kassem, M Molnar
IEEE internet of things journal 5 (3), 1727-1738, 2018
Minimizing blocking probability for the multicast routing and wavelength assignment problem in WDM networks: Exact solutions and heuristic algorithms
DD Le, F Zhou, M Molnár
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking 7 (1), 36-48, 2014
The cost optimal solution of the multi-constrained multicast routing problem
M Molnár, A Bellabas, S Lahoud
Computer Networks 56 (13), 3136-3149, 2012
Light-hierarchy: The optimal structure for multicast routing in WDM mesh networks
F Zhou, M Molnar, B Cousin
The IEEE symposium on Computers and Communications, 611-616, 2010
Multi-constrained QoS multicast routing optimization
NB Ali, M Molnar, A Belghith
Hierarchies to solve constrained connected spanning problems
M Molnar
Graph partitioning for survivability in multi-domain optical networks
H Drid, B Cousin, M Molnár, N Ghani
2010 IEEE International Conference on Communications, 1-5, 2010
Distance priority based multicast routing in WDM networks considering sparse light splitting
F Zhou, M Molnár, B Cousin
2008 11th IEEE Singapore International Conference on Communication Systems …, 2008
Is light-tree structure optimal for multicast routing in sparse light splitting WDM networks?
F Zhou, M Molnár, B Cousin
2009 Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Computer Communications …, 2009
QoS multicast aggregation under multiple additive constraints
NB Ali, A Belghith, J Moulierac, M Molnar
Computer Communications 31 (15), 3564-3578, 2008
Robust -Coverage Algorithms for Sensor Networks
G Simon, M Molnár, LÁÓ Gonczy, B Cousin
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 57 (8), 1741-1748, 2008
Multicast routing in WDM networks without splitters
DD Le, M Molnár, J Palaysi
IEEE Communications Magazine 52 (7), 158-167, 2014
Cost bounds and approximation ratios of multicast light-trees in WDM networks
F Zhou, M Molnár, B Cousin, C Qiao
Journal of optical communications and networking 3 (4), 323-334, 2011
Hierarchies for constrained partial spanning problems in graphs
M Molnar
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Articles 1–20