Benjamin Tyl
Benjamin Tyl
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Using eco-design tools: An overview of experts' practices
F Vallet, B Eynard, D Millet, SG Mahut, B Tyl, G Bertoluci
Design Studies 34 (3), 345-377, 2013
The integration of a stakeholder perspective into the front end of eco-innovation: a practical approach
B Tyl, F Vallet, NMP Bocken, M Real
Journal of Cleaner Production 108, 543-557, 2015
A comparative study of ideation mechanisms used in eco-innovation tools
B Tyl, J Legardeur, D Millet, F Vallet
Journal of Engineering Design 25 (10-12), 325-345, 2014
A framework for the integration of the conviviality concept in the design process
I Lizarralde, B Tyl
Journal of Cleaner Production 197, 1766-1777, 2018
Local value creation and eco-design: A new paradigm
B Tyl, I Lizarralde, R Allais
Procedia CIRP 30, 155-160, 2015
L'apport de la créativité dans les processus d'éco-innovation-Proposition de l'outil EcoASIT pour favoriser l'éco-idéation de systèmes durables
B Tyl
Université Sciences et Technologies-Bordeaux I, 2011
Exploring local business model development for regional circular textile transition in France
M Real, I Lizarralde, B Tyl
Fashion practice 12 (1), 6-33, 2020
Eco-design vs eco-innovation: an industrial survey
F Cluzel, F Vallet, B Tyl, G Bertoluci, Y Leroy
DS 77: Proceedings of the DESIGN 2014 13th International Design Conference, 2014
Stimulate creative ideas generation for eco-innovation: an experimentation to compare eco-design and creativity tools
B Tyl, J Legardeur, D Millet, F Vallet, F Toulon
Proceedings of IDMME-Virtual Concept 125, 2010
The citizen funding: an alternative to finance renewable energy projects
B Tyl, I Lizarralde
Procedia CIRP 64, 199-204, 2017
The ESM approach: 8 mechanisms to efficiently support eco-ideation
B Tyl, F Vallet, O Pialot, D Millet, J Le Duigou, G Graves
DS 84: Proceedings of the DESIGN 2016 14th International Design Conference …, 2016
A new approach for the development of a creative method to stimulate responsible innovation
B Tyl, J Legardeur, D Millet, A Falchi, B Ranvier
Global Product Development: Proceedings of the 20th CIRP Design Conference …, 2011
Adaptation of the creativity tool ASIT to support eco-ideation phases
B Tyl, J Legardeur, D Millet, F DVallet
Green Design, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 437, 2013
Research directions in eco-innovation: a French perspective
F Vallet, B Tyl, F Cluzel, Y Leroy
International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) 10 …, 2016
Environmental evaluation of ideas in early phases: a challenging issue for design teams
Y Leroy, B Tyl, F Vallet, F Cluzel
DS 80-1 Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Engineering …, 2015
Towards synergies between local repairers, citizens, designers, and public actors: the REVALUE project
B Tyl, R Allais, J Gobert, NMP Bocken, S Prendeville, PP Pichler, ...
Global Cleaner Production & Sustainable Consumption Conference, 2015
A design study into multi-level living labs for reuse and repair activities in France
B Tyl, R Allais
Journal of Cleaner Production 321, 129032, 2021
A method to select best nuggets from eco-innovation session
F Vallet, B Tyl, D Millet, B Eynard
Green Design, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 2013
Ecoeficiencia industrial
B Tyl
Cómo alcanzar la ecoeficiencia a través del ecodiseño y de la ecología …, 2011
The hidden face of the value in eco-design tools: Theoretical basis of an essential concept
B Tyl, A Gomez
Sustainable Production and Consumption 31, 794-804, 2022
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