Roland G. Winkler
Roland G. Winkler
Institute for Advanced Simulation, Forschungszentrum Jülich
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Physics of microswimmers—single particle motion and collective behavior: a review
J Elgeti, RG Winkler, G Gompper
Rep. Prog. Phys. 78, 056601, 2015
Multi-particle collision dynamics: A particle-based mesoscale simulation approach to the hydrodynamics of complex fluids
G Gompper, T Ihle, DM Kroll, RG Winkler
Advanced computer simulation approaches for soft matter sciences III, 1-87, 2009
The 2020 motile active matter roadmap
G Gompper, RG Winkler, T Speck, A Solon, C Nardini, F Peruani, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 32 (19), 193001, 2020
Computational models for active matter
MR Shaebani, A Wysocki, RG Winkler, G Gompper, H Rieger
Nature Reviews Physics 2 (4), 181-199, 2020
Collapse of polyelectrolyte macromolecules by counterion condensation and ion pair formation: a molecular dynamics simulation study
RG Winkler, M Gold, P Reineker
Physical review letters 80 (17), 3731, 1998
Cooperative motion of active Brownian spheres in three-dimensional dense suspensions
A Wysocki, RG Winkler, G Gompper
Europhysics Letters 105 (4), 48004, 2014
Polyelectrolyte theory
C Holm, JF Joanny, K Kremer, RR Netz, P Reineker, C Seidel, TA Vilgis, ...
Polyelectrolytes with defined molecular architecture II, 67-111, 2004
Dynamic regimes of fluids simulated by multiparticle-collision dynamics
M Ripoll, K Mussawisade, RG Winkler, G Gompper
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 72 (1 …, 2005
Semidilute polymer solutions at equilibrium and under shear flow
CC Huang, RG Winkler, G Sutmann, G Gompper
Macromolecules 43 (23), 10107-10116, 2010
Imaging material properties by resonant tapping-force microscopy: a model investigation
RG Winkler, JP Spatz, S Sheiko, M Möller, P Reineker, O Marti
Physical Review B 54 (12), 8908, 1996
Low-Reynolds-number hydrodynamics of complex fluids bymulti-particle-collision dynamics
M Ripoll, K Mussawisade, RG Winkler, G Gompper
Europhysics Letters 68 (1), 106, 2004
Dynamic structure factor of semiflexible macromolecules in dilute solution
L Harnau, RG Winkler, P Reineker
The Journal of chemical physics 104 (16), 6355-6368, 1996
Models and equilibrium properties of stiff molecular chains
RG Winkler, P Reineker, L Harnau
The Journal of chemical physics 101 (9), 8119-8129, 1994
Forces affecting the substrate in resonant tapping force microscopy
JP Spatz, S Sheiko, M Moller, RG Winkler, P Reineker, O Marti
Nanotechnology 6 (2), 40, 1995
Star polymers in shear flow
M Ripoll, RG Winkler, G Gompper
Physical review letters 96 (18), 188302, 2006
Virial pressure in systems of spherical active Brownian particles
RG Winkler, A Wysocki, G Gompper
Soft matter 11 (33), 6680-6691, 2015
Dynamics of polymers in a particle-based mesoscopic solvent
K Mussawisade, M Ripoll, RG Winkler, G Gompper
The Journal of chemical physics 123 (14), 2005
Cell-level canonical sampling by velocity scaling for multiparticle collision dynamics simulations
CC Huang, A Chatterji, G Sutmann, G Gompper, RG Winkler
Journal of computational physics 229 (1), 168-177, 2010
The physics of active polymers and filaments
RG Winkler, G Gompper
The journal of chemical physics 153 (4), 2020
Active turbulence in a gas of self-assembled spinners
G Kokot, S Das, RG Winkler, G Gompper, IS Aranson, A Snezhko
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 114, 12870, 2017
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