How well do we understand the impacts of alien species on ecosystem services? A pan‐European, cross‐taxa assessment M Vilà, C Basnou, P Pyšek, M Josefsson, P Genovesi, S Gollasch, ... Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 8 (3), 135-144, 2010 | 1260 | 2010 |
Disentangling the role of environmental and human pressures on biological invasions across Europe P Pyšek, V Jarošík, PE Hulme, I Kühn, J Wild, M Arianoutsou, S Bacher, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (27), 12157-12162, 2010 | 684 | 2010 |
Niche conservatism in non‐native birds in E urope: niche unfilling rather than niche expansion D Strubbe, O Broennimann, F Chiron, E Matthysen Global Ecology and Biogeography 22 (8), 962-970, 2013 | 214 | 2013 |
Perception and knowledge of plant diversity among urban park users A Muratet, P Pellegrini, AB Dufour, T Arrif, F Chiron Landscape and Urban Planning 137, 95-106, 2015 | 137 | 2015 |
Impacts of agricultural intensification on bird communities: New insights from a multi-level and multi-facet approach of biodiversity A Jeliazkov, A Mimet, R Chargé, F Jiguet, V Devictor, F Chiron Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 216, 9-22, 2016 | 111 | 2016 |
Pesticide doses, landscape structure and their relative effects on farmland birds F Chiron, R Chargé, R Julliard, F Jiguet, A Muratet Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 185, 153-160, 2014 | 108 | 2014 |
Reduction of pesticide use can increase earthworm populations in wheat crops in a European temperate region C Pélosi, L Toutous, F Chiron, F Dubs, M Hedde, A Muratet, JF Ponge, ... Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 181, 223-230, 2013 | 108 | 2013 |
The complex interaction network among multiple invasive bird species in a cavity-nesting community Y Orchan, F Chiron, A Shwartz, S Kark Biological Invasions 15, 429-445, 2013 | 104 | 2013 |
More amphibians than expected in highway stormwater ponds I Le Viol, F Chiron, R Julliard, C Kerbiriou Ecological Engineering 47, 146-154, 2012 | 99 | 2012 |
Human-related processes drive the richness of exotic birds in Europe F Chiron, S Shirley, S Kark Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 276 (1654), 47-53, 2009 | 89 | 2009 |
Concerns regarding the scientific evidence informing impact risk assessment and management recommendations for invasive birds D Strubbe, A Shwartz, F Chiron Biological Conservation 144 (8), 2112-2118, 2011 | 82 | 2011 |
Assessing the assessments: evaluation of four impact assessment protocols for invasive alien species A Turbé, D Strubbe, E Mori, M Carrete, F Chiron, P Clergeau, ... Diversity and Distributions 23 (3), 297-307, 2017 | 67 | 2017 |
Alien birds, amphibians and reptiles of Europe S Kark, W Solarz, F Chiron, P Clergeau, S Shirley Handbook of alien species in Europe, 105-118, 2009 | 62 | 2009 |
Responses of songbirds to magpie reduction in an urban habitat F Chiron, R Julliard The Journal of Wildlife Management 71 (8), 2624-2631, 2007 | 61 | 2007 |
Effects of non-cropped landscape diversity on spatial dynamics of farmland birds in intensive farming systems F Chiron, O Filippi-Codaccioni, F Jiguet, V Devictor Biological conservation 143 (11), 2609-2616, 2010 | 50 | 2010 |
Level-dependence of the relationships between amphibian biodiversity and environment in pond systems within an intensive agricultural landscape A Jeliazkov, F Chiron, J Garnier, A Besnard, M Silvestre, F Jiguet Hydrobiologia 723, 7-23, 2014 | 48 | 2014 |
DAISIE-Inventory of alien invasive species in Europe. Version 1.7 D Roy, D Alderman, P Anastasiu, M Arianoutsou, S Augustin, S Bacher, ... Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO). Checklist dataset.[Accessed …, 2020 | 44 | 2020 |
How wild bees find a way in European cities: Pollen metabarcoding unravels multiple feeding strategies and their effects on distribution patterns in four wild bee species J Casanelles‐Abella, S Müller, A Keller, C Aleixo, M Alós Orti, F Chiron, ... Journal of Applied Ecology 59 (2), 457-470, 2022 | 41 | 2022 |
Forecasting the potential impacts of CAP-associated land use changes on farmland birds at the national level F Chiron, K Princé, ML Paracchini, C Bulgheroni, F Jiguet Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 176, 17-23, 2013 | 39 | 2013 |
Response of bats and nocturnal insects to urban green areas in Europe L Villarroya-Villalba, J Casanelles-Abella, M Moretti, P Pinho, R Samson, ... Basic and Applied Ecology 51, 59-70, 2021 | 35 | 2021 |