Dr. Yong Zou
Dr. Yong Zou
Department of Physics, East China Normal Univeristy
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Recurrence networks—a novel paradigm for nonlinear time series analysis
RV Donner, Y Zou, JF Donges, N Marwan, J Kurths
New Journal of Physics 12 (3), 033025, 2010
Complex network approach for recurrence analysis of time series
N Marwan, JF Donges, Y Zou, RV Donner, J Kurths
Physics Letters A 373 (46), 4246-4254, 2009
Complex networks in climate dynamics: Comparing linear and nonlinear network construction methods
JF Donges, Y Zou, N Marwan, J Kurths
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 174 (1), 157-179, 2009
Complex network approaches to nonlinear time series analysis
Y Zou, RV Donner, N Marwan, JF Donges, J Kurths
Physics Reports 787, 1-97, 2019
The backbone of the climate network
JF Donges, Y Zou, N Marwan, J Kurths
Europhysics Letters 87 (4), 48007, 2009
Recurrence-based time series analysis by means of complex network methods
RV Donner, M Small, JF Donges, N Marwan, Y Zou, R Xiang, J Kurths
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 21 (04), 1019-1046, 2011
Explosive transitions in complex networks’ structure and dynamics: Percolation and synchronization
S Boccaletti, JA Almendral, S Guan, I Leyva, Z Liu, I Sendiña-Nadal, ...
Physics Reports 660, 1-94, 2016
Investigating the topology of interacting networks: Theory and application to coupled climate subnetworks
JF Donges, HCH Schultz, N Marwan, Y Zou, J Kurths
The European Physical Journal B 84, 635-651, 2011
The geometry of chaotic dynamics—a complex network perspective
RV Donner, J Heitzig, JF Donges, Y Zou, N Marwan, J Kurths
The European Physical Journal B 84, 653-672, 2011
Basin of attraction determines hysteresis in explosive synchronization
Y Zou, T Pereira, M Small, Z Liu, J Kurths
Physical Review Letters 112 (11), 114102, 2014
Ambiguities in recurrence-based complex network representations of time series
RV Donner, Y Zou, JF Donges, N Marwan, J Kurths
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 81 (1 …, 2010
Multiscale complex network for analyzing experimental multivariate time series
ZK Gao, YX Yang, PC Fang, Y Zou, CY Xia, M Du
Europhysics Letters 109 (3), 30005, 2015
Self-enforcing strategies to deter free-riding in the climate change mitigation game and other repeated public good games
J Heitzig, K Lessmann, Y Zou
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (38), 15739-15744, 2011
Identifying complex periodic windows in continuous-time dynamical systems using recurrence-based methods
Y Zou, RV Donner, JF Donges, N Marwan, J Kurths
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 20 (4), 2010
Constructing ordinal partition transition networks from multivariate time series
J Zhang, J Zhou, M Tang, H Guo, M Small, Y Zou
Scientific reports 7 (1), 7795, 2017
Node-weighted measures for complex networks with spatially embedded, sampled, or differently sized nodes
J Heitzig, JF Donges, Y Zou, N Marwan, J Kurths
The European Physical Journal B 85, 1-22, 2012
Coexistence of quantized, time dependent, clusters in globally coupled oscillators
H Bi, X Hu, S Boccaletti, X Wang, Y Zou, Z Liu, S Guan
Physical review letters 117 (20), 204101, 2016
Explosive synchronization as a process of explosive percolation in dynamical phase space
X Zhang, Y Zou, S Boccaletti, Z Liu
Scientific reports 4 (1), 5200, 2014
Long-term changes in the north–south asymmetry of solar activity: a nonlinear dynamics characterization using visibility graphs
Y Zou, RV Donner, N Marwan, M Small, J Kurths
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 21 (6), 1113-1126, 2014
Explosive synchronization is discontinuous
V Vlasov, Y Zou, T Pereira
Physical Review E 92 (1), 012904, 2015
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Articles 1–20