Katia Portero Sloan
Katia Portero Sloan
Texas Institute for Kidney and Endocrine Disorders
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Diabetes mellitus do tipo 2, síndrome metabólica e modificação no estilo de vida
KCP McLellan, SM Barbalho, M Cattalini, AC Lerario
Revista de Nutrição 20, 515-524, 2007
Therapeutic interventions to reduce the risk of progression from prediabetes to type 2 diabetes mellitus
KC Portero McLellan, K Wyne, ET Villagomez, WA Hsueh
Therapeutics and clinical risk management, 173-188, 2014
The use of calf circumference measurement as an anthropometric tool to monitor nutritional status in elderly inpatients
KC Portero-McLellan, C Staudt, FRF Silva, JLD Bernardi, PB Frenhani, ...
The Journal of nutrition, health and aging 14 (4), 266-270, 2010
Long-term nutrition education reduces several risk factors for type 2 diabetes mellitus in Brazilians with impaired glucose tolerance
GD Pimentel, KC Portero-Mclellan, ÉP Oliveira, APM Spada, M Oshiiwa, ...
Nutrition research 30 (3), 186-190, 2010
Dialysis adequacy and nutritional status of hemodialysis patients
F TEIXEIRA NUNES, G de Campos, SM Xavier de Paula, VAL Merhi, ...
Hemodialysis International 12 (1), 45-51, 2008
Dietary factors associated with metabolic syndrome in Brazilian adults
EP de Oliveira, KCP McLellan, L Vaz de Arruda Silveira, RC Burini
Nutrition journal 11, 1-7, 2012
Consumo de frutas, verduras e legumes associado à Síndrome Metabólica e seus componentes em amostra populacional adulta
GKF Castanho, FC Marsola, KCP Mclellan, M Nicola, F Moreto, RC Burini
Ciência & Saúde Coletiva 18, 385-392, 2013
Accuracy of sagittal abdominal diameter as predictor of abdominal fat among Brazilian adults: a comparation with waist circumference
GD Pimentel, KC Portero-McLellan, N Maestá, JE Corrente, RC Burini
Nutricion hospitalaria 25 (4), 656-661, 2010
Ten-week lifestyle changing program reduces several indicators for metabolic syndrome in overweight adults
MS Mecca, F Moreto, FHP Burini, RC Dalanesi, KCP McLellan, RC Burini
Diabetology & metabolic syndrome 4, 1-7, 2012
Dietary factors associated with metabolic syndrome and its components in overweight and obese Brazilian schoolchildren: a cross-sectional study
AEM Rinaldi, GFCP Gabriel, F Moreto, JE Corrente, KCP McLellan, ...
Diabetology & metabolic syndrome 8, 1-10, 2016
Resting energy expenditure and carbohydrate oxidation are higher in elderly patients with COPD: a case control study
BR Ramires, EP de Oliveira, GD Pimentel, KCP McLellan, DM Nakato, ...
Nutrition Journal 11, 1-6, 2012
Determinantes do grau de satisfação de pacientes internados referente a refeições oferecidas em um hospital universitário
RB Coloco, LB Holanda, KC Portero-Mclellan
Revista de Ciências Médicas 18 (3), 2009
Multiple metabolic effects of CGRP in conscious rats: role of glycogen synthase and phosphorylase
L Rossetti, S Farrace, SB Choi, A Giaccari, L Sloan, S Frontoni, MS Katz
American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism 264 (1), E1-E10, 1993
Omega-3 fatty acids supplementation decreases metabolic syndrome prevalence after lifestyle modification program
L de Camargo Talon, EP de Oliveira, F Moreto, KC Portero-McLellan, ...
Journal of functional foods 19, 922-928, 2015
Association of dyslipidemia with intakes of fruit and vegetables and the body fat content of adults clinically selected for a lifestyle modification program
M Massao Takahashi, E Prado de Oliveira, M Fernando, ...
Archivos latinoamericanos de nutricion 60 (2), 148-154, 2010
Sagital abdominal diameter, but not waist circumference is strongly associated with glycemia, triacilglycerols and HDL-C levels in overweight adults
GD Pimentel, F Moreto, MM Takahashi, KC Portero-McLellan, RC Burini
Nutricion Hospitalaria 26 (5), 1125-1129, 2011
Metabolic syndrome and dietary components are associated with coronary artery disease risk score in free-living adults: a cross-sectional study
MM Takahashi, EP de Oliveira, ALR de Carvalho, LA de Souza Dantas, ...
Diabetology & metabolic syndrome 3, 1-7, 2011
Consumption of fruit and vegetables associated with the metabolic syndrome and its components in an adult population sample
GKF Castanho, FC Marsola, KCP Mclellan, M Nicola, F Moreto, RC Burini
Ciencia & saude coletiva 18 (2), 385, 2013
Higher dietary quality and muscle mass decrease the odds of low phase angle in bioelectrical impedance analysis in Brazilian individuals
NAG De Franca, A Callegari, FF Gondo, JE Corrente, KCP Mclellan, ...
Nutrition & Dietetics 73 (5), 474-481, 2016
A variedade da dieta é fator protetor para a pressão arterial sistólica elevada
EP Oliveira, KF Camargo, GKF Castanho, M Nicola, KC Portero-McLellan, ...
Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia 98, 338-343, 2012
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Articles 1–20